Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Alternative YouTube Awards

Duration: 04:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 07:26:28
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

It's Video response time! Or if you don't want to do that - give me your suggestions for these 7 Categories - 1. Most in need of a Frontal Lobotomy 2. Most likely to take a life 3. Biggest Tart on YouTube 4. Most Hated 5. Most likely to break your ear-drums. 6. Biggest Rip-Off of other people's ideas 7. Think they're HOT but they're NOT.

totodutchie ::: Favorites
Wow finally I make a chance too!!! :P
07-03-28 19:42:02
Jambaru ::: Favorites
tart = person who dresses them selves up too much,.. kinda like a poser,... lol
07-03-28 07:40:12
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Don't they have Google in Indiana?
07-03-26 12:53:12
emilysusan ::: Favorites
#3...Biggest "Tart"? What the fuck is a tart??
07-03-26 11:47:20
tdg143 ::: Favorites
I dont understand that either, I have only seen one video of his and that wasnt enough to make me subscribe or view another and now with all the drama, I surely dont want anything to do with him.
07-03-23 10:57:05
mrric2u ::: Favorites
hmmmm. I'll have to get back to you on that one. I only subscribe to originals - so I don't really see all the other crap - so I nomonate everyone I haven't subscribed to yet.
07-03-23 08:17:19
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Hmm...Mr Safety sticks his head round the corner and says "hello campers" - no wait - he says "you guys" - about a hundred times in each vid.
07-03-23 02:36:18
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Who's Christopher Mast?
07-03-23 02:34:39
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Well now he's got anothery.
07-03-23 02:34:14
wallyworld ::: Favorites
In like Flynn.
07-03-23 02:31:45

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