Sunday, February 17, 2008

DBZ: The Vegeta Massacres (Japanese)

Duration: 07:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-23 03:30:39
User: Sarrbud

Freeza  Vegeta  Ginyu  Force  Kiwi  Dodoria  Zarbon  Namek  Gurd  Butta  Rikoom  Japanese  dragonballz  dbz  GojiitaAF  


Freeza Saga - A chronological listing of all of the Vegeta's canon kills while on Namek (except for Jheese, who's death has already been covered in 'DBZ: The Ginyu Force's Last Stand')- (Japanese) *Thank you to GojiitaAF for supplying the clips!*


jakebomb45  2008-01-27 00:18:39

when he killed cui he used the dirty fireworks techniqe like in the game(tenkaichi 3)
zeromk5  2008-01-22 06:18:14

The Namek saga was definitely the best saga of DBZ and the unconfirmed survival of Goku after the destruction of Namek was in my opinion, a really nice ending, as Akira Toriyama had actually intended to end the Dragonball saga there.
TheNumberOneShmuck  2008-01-18 21:19:24

The flashbacks are indeed torture, but alot of the fights help redeem it. For example, anything involving Rock Lee or Gaara.
SuperBlaze22  2008-01-13 20:27:44

Boy u said it! (^_^) Forget Yu-Gi-oh but Naruto is jus' way too safe,slow,over-dialouged,over-flashbacked [LMFAO!] and boring to even be compared. I love Naruto but it jus' has way too much bringing it down!
WolBarret  2008-01-11 03:40:52

When he crushed Burter's neck with his knees...its the pinnacle of Japanimation for me. Naruto and Yu-Gi-oh fans will never understand.

turning my privite chat on=]

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-04 17:54:21
User: Xmb20067X

mb20067  runescape  


me mb20067 turning my privite chat on This was made using the game RuneScape (A registered trademark of JaGex LTD.) I do not intend to make money or anything from this video, and it is completely owned by JaGex LTD.


ownuinwildy  2008-02-08 14:22:21

lmao thats funny!
kingkamaron2  2007-12-05 16:41:51

theworldsbest10  2007-12-04 18:50:42

LOL halarious! 5/5
Kite94  2007-12-04 18:14:23

wow...that was stupid
santaproductions  2007-12-04 18:10:25

wow mike real nice -.-


Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-10 18:46:24
User: yugiohmasterv



my kitty



11-M: La sentencia - 30/01/08

Duration: 21:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-30 17:57:20
User: libertaddigitaltv

Libertad  Digital  Noticias  11-M  11M  Luis  del  Pino  Sentencia  

Description: Luis del Pino ofrece la segunda parte de la entrevista con Carmen Baladía. La que fue directora del Anatómico Forense durante los atentados, ya declaró la semana pasada no haber encontrado ni un solo rastro de metralla como la que incluía la mochila de Vallecas, desvirtuando la validez de ésta como prueba judicial. Luis del Pino aprovechará la presencia esta noche de Baladía en los estudios de Libertad Digital para obtener más información sobre aquellos días que cambiaron el rumbo de la nación.


ytuque29  2008-02-14 18:48:06

Vaya testimonio el de esta señora. ¿Por qué no lo publican otros medios de comunicación? Esto si que es noticia. Urge seguir investigando.
Vampus1  2008-02-02 10:52:21

Buenas declaraciones de esta Sra.,aunque tarde. No hay suicidas, no hay metralla, no hay autopsias de los suicidados, no hay informe del explosivo del atentado, no hay autores materiales (vivos), no hay autores intelectuales, salvo los 192 muertos y 2000 heridos, ¿que hay de este atentado????? No entiendo nada
ferrual  2008-02-01 17:49:49

Una instrucción de un sumario teledirigido por los encubridores de los auténticos terroristas de la matanza y la farsa del juicio que ha terminado con una sentencia prevaricadora han quedado al descubierto ante los ojos de todo aquel que siempre a querido conocer la verdad de los hechos.
cnraga  2008-02-01 06:45:01

Los que querían saber, no querían saber
koreaknifeparty  2008-01-31 08:17:46

Raro, Raro, la verdad....

Kitty i'm yours

Duration: 00:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-11 15:38:53
User: charleenstamaria

kitty  i'm  yours  jason  mraz  charleen  sta  maria  


my FIRST attempt at jason mraz's i'm yours..and my moral support by my side (kitty) lol!


xjclared  2008-02-14 19:53:50

and so is the cat hahaha. i love this video =]]
Nooyenny1992  2007-11-20 12:09:22

aww..yur voice is so cuuute.

Persona 3 FES Opening Movie

Duration: 02:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-24 15:34:21
User: rotkappchen

legendra  megaten  shin  megami  tensei  Persona  Fes  opening  movie  smt  


Persona 3 FES Opening Movie


dragonknight337  2007-10-23 15:01:48

:O The maid costume is in this? Aw, man, now it has to come stateside. ;-; That would just be too cruel of Atlus...
fabrizio792  2007-04-28 17:46:17

nice video
zaciroth  2007-04-24 22:10:32

Same movie I have on my page lol.

Nil Karaibrahimgil - Havuz Problemi

Duration: 04:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-10 07:44:35
User: 5eliin

nil  karaibrahimgil  havuz  problemi  klip  turkish  


Beendiiniz resim wrsa, sölein yolliim :)


josepierfunfun09  2008-01-17 09:48:03

güsel sarkı...askım tavsie etti çok beğendim:))
kedylim  2007-11-10 18:40:15

bu sarki bende acayip bir etki yapiyor yaa
burakxx2  2007-10-26 03:35:29

tek kwlimeyle kusursuz bir çalışma
CrazyGsUa  2007-10-15 13:35:36

gsl ellerine saglik seninde agzina sagik nil harikasinnn...tbrklerr...
xsimyacix  2007-10-11 07:14:23

güzel bir calisma zevle seyrettim tesekürler

Dar on the Guitar: m-flo + monkey majik - Picture Perfect

Duration: 03:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-20 22:49:46
User: golgo13

monkey  majik  m-flo  picture  perfect  love  cosmicolor  verbal  taku  takahashi  darrell  danque  guitar  


Brought out the guitar and played m-flo + monkey majik's "Picture Perfect" Since I am an amateur on this musical instrument (and my vocal talent of course), I played with a much slower pace as you can tell and messed up quite a few times. However, hope you all like it and are influenced to play the song and put your own versions of this song up on youtube. The chords can be found here.


mnagali  2008-02-09 23:49:54

thanks for sharing ^_^_
Krust222  2008-02-08 12:52:20

Maaaaaan! So many thanks for the tabs! I'm lookin' for so long timeeee *_* And you did a good job ;D
maoismybabydaddy  2008-01-27 02:02:05

awesomeness thanks for putting the tabs up but i cant figure out the strumming pattern X_x
Num15  2008-01-13 17:06:13

HEY!!!that's pretty good....a million times better than what I can do. do you strum the song....i can't seem to get the strumming right...
Peterislazyx  2008-01-12 20:21:19

Great playing, and thanks for the tabs also. keep working hard!

Nasty Girl Hip-Hop Freestyle

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-20 01:40:43
User: d4nc3k1ng

hip  hop  dance  freestyle  nasty  girl  Kevin  Sterling  Sims  


Kevin Dancing to Nasty Girl by Sterling Sims


alexbags33  2008-02-13 19:55:53


Christopher Bowman 1992 Worlds SP

Duration: 04:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-11 20:49:23
User: ballinagra13

Christopher  Bowman  1992  Worlds  figure  skating  


Christopher Bowman 1992 Worlds SP


tellito1  2008-01-19 16:27:35

beautiful preformance, better than the man skaters of this days!