Monday, February 11, 2008

Ivan n Toby - Form select Group

Duration: 01:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2005-12-03 05:02:41
User: tovu
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ivan  Tovu  Formality  


Me and Ivan teaching at Formality Dance Academy in San Diego


niggerjive ::: Favorites  2007-02-14 22:26:58

wuts the 1st song called? or is that just the track b4 it on the cd..?
elvisrobinson ::: Favorites  2006-10-07 16:15:06

I Love how it was put together. The movments where on point. I wish I could learn that
arvy ::: Favorites  2006-09-26 10:14:00

the title of the song is "Dont stop" by alfonzo hunter..
westmore15 ::: Favorites  2006-08-28 21:32:11

go ivan!!!!
LaydeeP1nk ::: Favorites  2006-08-26 15:46:41

mmmmhmmm im still impressed with ivan ;)

Other Video Blog Entries

German shepherd captions
Re: ??? ?12 ???
me drumming, then getting screamed at, by my brother
Rihanna-Umbrella (Un-official MATALEON RMX)
Marching Cobras


JaJa Diddle

Duration: 06:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-12 20:15:27
User: chuchunezbie
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JaJa  Diddle  damien  brigham  napoleon  dynamite  arab  mohammed  fouad  kamanana  Jake  LeBlanc  Josh  Deveau  Andrew  GHS  


this is brought to you by the creators of damien brigham


amrjosef ::: Favorites  2008-01-31 17:31:37

hahah kamannanna was my favorite when I was a child, its arabic
sino96 ::: Favorites  2007-06-24 19:16:40

its funny lol

Other Video Blog Entries

Obama For President
American Idol Auditions S7- Atlanta 2/5/08 pt.3
Godfrey, Kim Coles, Dennis Miller - Comics Unleashed
SDC- Bubbly: CoCo
Kathy singing Sun and Moon from Miss Saigon


MonsterQuest | Giant Squid Found [PART 3 OF 5]

Duration: 09:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-27 00:21:45
User: RetardRyan
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MonsterQuest  giant  squid  found  Monster  History  Channel  show  series  episode  creature  beast  deep  sea  


Part 3 of 5. View all 5 episodes here:


jb0609 ::: Favorites  2008-01-14 09:49:33

thanks RetardRyan for uploading all these monsterquest videos

Other Video Blog Entries

The Horrible Man on the Shore of Barbados - Hey Muggle!
MMBN6 - Vs Slashman and Judgeman
extension table
Dougie Poynter - Transylvania


San Francisco

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-18 04:27:25
User: julescavalier
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julescavalier  elionazale  san  francisco  recap  


This is just a little recap of our day in San Francisco. The vlog on meeting Mary will come tomorrow when I'm not so bloody knackered! (ps: Check out Mary's video of our day together! It's amazing!)


candysweet96 ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 21:41:31

julescavalier ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 02:20:12

$3000 for a camera? yikes.
morphix007 ::: Favorites  2007-11-18 22:15:35

my new one was 3000
julescavalier ::: Favorites  2007-11-18 20:55:50

ugh. 200?
julescavalier ::: Favorites  2007-11-18 20:55:26

oh yes, oodles and oodles of fun!

Other Video Blog Entries

Shiki no Uta (Alternate Ending)
mind 180 vs vicious germz
Dwyane Wade: The Flash II Mix
Resident Evil 4 Case#008 - Dance of the Sugar Plum....Bugs?
sick rick busts a move


Bernat Sòria, el savi de Carlet

Duration: 06:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-11 01:50:24
User: Dotcale
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Bernat  Sòria  Ministre  Ministro  sanitat  sanidad  Carlet  PSOE  Vicent  Rambla  Info  INFOTV  Pais  Valencia  Espanya  España  


Alguns de vostés, els més benpensats, en sentir el nom del nou ministre de Sanitat, Bernat Sòria, no sols s'hauran alegrat pel savi de Carlet, sinó que fins i tot se'ls haurà acudit que potser seria un nomenament aplaudit més enllà de les límits ideològics de l'esquerra. Però una volta més, aquells que hauran confiat en la generositat del Partit Popular hauran errat. Tindrem ocasió d'escoltar de seguida el comentari que Vicent Rambla li ha refilat. Article de : Redacció Però abans, toca sentir què ha dit l'investigador valencià quan ha comparegut este matí davant els periodistes a Sevilla, a la seu del Centre Andalús de Biologia Molecular i Medicina Regenerativa, el centre que dirigeix des que les autoritats andaluses li van oferir continuar a Andalusia les investigacions per curar la diabetis en humans que el govern valencià del PP, per raons religioses, li dificultava sense parar, ja que Soria treballava amb cèl•lules mare procedents d'embrions no viables i això era pecat, poc més o menys. Soria ha dit que és un honor ser ministre en un dels millors sistemes sanitaris del món i s'ha definit com una persona de consens i dialogant. I enamorada de València. Vicent Rambla, com déiem, ha despatxat el nomenament del prestigiós científic dient, a manera de desqualificació, que ja fa temps que està més en política que treballant com a investigador. Des de l'esquerra, en canvi, han recordat que Sòria pràcticament, va haver d'exiliar-se per la intransigència integrista del PP. INFO TV Infotv infotelevisió


Other Video Blog Entries

CB Movie 3 Song 9 - Seen This Girl? Tune
"What Would Brian Boitano Do?" on Mandolin with Midi
[toku] cos-more superheroines
Quitting Rs2
Jana Wendt on Rove (live)



Duration: 00:4 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-19 14:50:19
User: frostbite1681
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frostbite1681 ::: Favorites  2008-01-19 15:03:44

im new 2 recoloring ...

Other Video Blog Entries

###The Kiosk - Go Go Go###
NY Giants final game winning drive
Don't mess wit' da bone!
Arkoudi Private Island
damar arabesk mehmet sonses benimde bugun


On The Waterfront

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-21 20:59:01
User: Lauzi66
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MarlonBrando  Marlon  Brando  EvaMarieSaint  Eva  Marie  Saint  The  Waterfront  1954  


A short scene from the 1954 movie 'On The Waterfront' starring Marlon Brando and Eva Marie Saint. Got to be one of the best films...


evilchynette ::: Favorites  2008-02-06 21:54:42

I likew it when he puts his hands on his face and says 'What a friutcake you are" he looks like a schoolgirl so adorible. I like his philosciphy
thiscityiskaoss ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 06:34:12

theres not many streetcar videos up though so im just watching loadsa marlon brando clips to try and get some tips for my character =]
thiscityiskaoss ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 06:31:15

im playing stanley for my gcse drama performance haha, taking tipsss =]
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites  2008-01-31 01:51:46

EVA: "Thats a pretty tune." MARLON: "Here's a stick of gum." LMAO
Delphi333 ::: Favorites  2008-01-29 22:03:56

OMG Thanks so MUCH for posting THIS!!!! My favorite movie EVER! :)

Other Video Blog Entries

Hatırla Sevgili 49-parça 8 - by
Tanja & Laura bffl.
Misa misa
Super smash bros Brawl music - Wind Waker boss: Molgera
Save The World Stop Cow Farts Help Stop Global Warming


GuildWars random arena video

Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-26 11:29:40
User: ashhtown4lyf
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guildwars  wars  guild  random  arena  


me in the random arena 5 consecutive wins ownage


sawmylive ::: Favorites  2007-09-24 07:12:56

zz that was luck team:P
ayanamij ::: Favorites  2007-07-18 09:03:00

ROFL way to not use your res sig til like a minute after your teammate had been dead.
Haazzaa12 ::: Favorites  2007-01-26 23:37:41

Nice lol! 5 times. your team owned!

Other Video Blog Entries

Da Bop
TAF '07 - Parent's Night Group 7 + 8
My New York, My Nature Valley
Trying the Macbook Air
Mauritius 07


Maplestory MV SouthPark Theme

Duration: 00:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-28 10:48:53
User: Egbonta
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kenny  cartman  South  Park  Southpark  Ems  mse  gms  maple  story  maplestory  music  video  musicvideo  EUR0PE  Egbonta  


My first Mv [SouthPark theme] Words: SouthPark - Theme I'm goin' down to South Park gonna have myself a time, Friendly faces everwhere humble folks without temptation, I'm goin' down to South Park gonna leave my woes behind, Ample Parking Day or Night, people spouting, "Howdy, Neighbor" I'm headin' down to South Park gonna see if I can't unwind, I like girls with big vagina, I like girls with big fat titties So come on down to South Park, and meet some friends of mine.


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IND - Het zijn je boys
My Own Swordsman 武林外传 ep03 5/5
Cynthia vs. Paul ~ It's Not Over
The Best of David's Stunts Season One
Runescape Egbonta´s First Pk Vid [f2p]