Sunday, August 26, 2007

Yuvraj Sends The Ball Into the Stands

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-21 22:36:22
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Yuvraj Sends The Ball Into the Stands

Ganguly Chops it to Third Man

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-21 21:57:00
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Ganguly Chops it to Third Man

puppypenguin ::: Favorites
which match again?
07-02-11 13:53:19

Brad Hogg Creams It Straight Down the Ground

Duration: 00:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 00:30:22
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Visit for more cricket videos and highlights.

Ghost Rider Movie Clip - Find Blackheart

Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-15 14:37:23
User: Anwarrior
:::: Favorites

The video clip in the movie Ghost Rider where Jhonny Blaze is told to find Blackheart.

alexahnewjersey ::: Favorites
Great video. For a fun fling with a sexy chick check out DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-22 22:05:44
deathxtra ::: Favorites
this was one of my fav movies. thx for this clip
07-06-07 00:11:06
Anwarrior ::: Favorites
Ur welcome mate.
07-06-26 15:43:01
makosharkman ::: Favorites
does the devil mean that all that cherring was coming from him
07-03-05 12:40:19
Anwarrior ::: Favorites
I don't know, don't think so.
07-03-05 13:24:59
makosharkman ::: Favorites
did you see that it showed his demon mouth
07-02-26 23:02:43
Anwarrior ::: Favorites
Yeah I saw that, looks cool.
07-02-27 11:47:46
makosharkman ::: Favorites
its more then Cool its Extreme
07-02-27 14:38:19
TanThePrince ::: Favorites
Oh yeah baby i can t wait this move on pierout copy a good one
07-02-18 08:07:31
Anwarrior ::: Favorites
I know man, I can't wait either.
07-02-19 13:09:11

Devil's Darkness - Demon's Darkness 2.2

Duration: 02:22 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-28 19:35:58
User: Anwarrior
:::: Favorites

A wickid short combo vid I made with clips from Tekken Zaibatsu's Combo vid Demon's Darkness 2 but with a sick new tune called ''Bullacake'' by Dexplicit. I think the tune is sick, and goes well the vid, hope you do too.

MCROADRUNNA ::: Favorites
bangin tune but how duz it go good wid da video R U MAD!!!
07-08-12 18:07:38
djmurph123 ::: Favorites
thts kool, can you send me the song please? leemurphy123 @ hotmail DOT co DOT uk
07-08-06 07:14:13
MyNameIsEmilyLOL ::: Favorites
yeh songs hot vids not
07-03-27 13:58:12
Anwarrior ::: Favorites
I agree. lol
07-04-11 06:21:12
weborob ::: Favorites
not at all
07-02-04 15:08:05
weborob ::: Favorites
good video
07-02-03 10:26:11
Anwarrior ::: Favorites
Thanks man.
07-02-04 12:23:22
DaniellexCherry ::: Favorites
good song shitt video lol
06-12-30 17:45:05
Anwarrior ::: Favorites
Thanks man, I agree with ya; just wanted people to hear the
06-12-31 12:43:31

England vs Pakistan 1st ODI 3

Duration: 06:59 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-10 02:00:42
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

England vs Pakistan 1st ODI 3

Salman6Butt ::: Favorites
Abandoned? Why'd I wse my Damn time watching this, then?
07-07-11 18:30:57
Mrbradpitt ::: Favorites
Dead right. Pakis are so gifted and blessed.
07-07-04 05:26:24
maur0silva ::: Favorites
pakistan r so much better than borin england - btw im english
07-06-30 17:16:41
biggun24 ::: Favorites
Commentators said :just to show you how gifted pakistanis are" damn right they are, honestly I think cricket is the most skilled game out there besides soccer, the perfection and angle, timing, positioning, placement you need u gotta be briliant to do all that!
06-12-30 21:00:40

20070628 淘氣過生活 星光幫 (3/5)

Duration: 09:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-29 08:40:08
User: hmhuangh
:::: Favorites

淘氣過生活 星光幫 楊宗緯 潘裕文 許仁杰 林宥嘉 劉明峰 盧學叡

dee21324 ::: Favorites
許仁杰真的很可愛,可惜他總是默默的在那邊... 所以人稱許默默。
07-07-21 10:35:55
vlckcy ::: Favorites
07-07-01 01:35:29
yklm36 ::: Favorites
07-06-30 23:10:35
rita1019 ::: Favorites
great! it is so funny. thanks a looooooooooooooooooooot.
07-06-29 08:51:23

Aus vs WI - Hussey and Haddins Innings

Duration: 09:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-09 23:53:40
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Aus vs WI - Hussey and Haddins Innings

WARNIELEGEND ::: Favorites
nice partnership LOL
07-01-29 18:38:49
aslon05 ::: Favorites
The chick is cute though
06-11-18 16:34:24
meetube2 ::: Favorites
this show sucks!!!
06-10-11 12:47:38

Yuvraj Smacks the Ball Over Long-on

Duration: 00:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-21 22:35:01
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Yuvraj Smacks the Ball Over Long-on

Yuvraj Hoists Rafique Over the Midwicket Fence

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-21 01:37:07
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Yuvraj Hoists Rafique Over the Midwicket Fence

Harmison Bowls A Yorker To Michael Clarke

Duration: 00:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 16:31:58
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Visit for more cricket videos and highlights.

Hot Tub

Duration: 02:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-23 20:43:32
User: CrowntownTV
:::: Favorites

Who is against skinny-dipping?

urbanr0cker ::: Favorites
07-08-26 00:52:43
motleygus ::: Favorites
Nice! Click my username for more great videos :)
07-08-25 23:25:08
Zuiram ::: Favorites
07-08-25 21:50:03
streetlifer ::: Favorites
It's like a spin off of seinfeld.
07-08-25 20:21:11
drachma313 ::: Favorites
That's funny!!!
07-08-25 20:10:28
DOcrepITy ::: Favorites
yeah, a woman is just going to strip down to nothing in front of 3 guys and get in a hot tub naked. WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT.
07-08-25 17:42:37
eightycargo100 ::: Favorites
absolutly cool. more.........!!!
07-08-25 17:33:31
tedgriffioen ::: Favorites
really cool, all of the little vids, but this one in particular!
07-08-25 14:52:17
weirdo302 ::: Favorites
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna go commando now
07-08-25 14:50:16
slyfulstud ::: Favorites
pretty good. To see some quality dance entertainment click on my name and watch the shorter video!
07-08-25 12:42:34
Janika9Z8R ::: Favorites
OMG very good!^^
07-08-25 12:37:54
melkor180 ::: Favorites
this is cuz my mom wanted to see what happens TAG UR IT!! This is so scary. Send this to 15 people in the next 143 mins. When you are done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters. This is scary cuz it works!! if you break the chain you will have problems with relationships for the next 5 years JUST COPY AND PASTE
07-08-25 12:18:21
Specter130 ::: Favorites
Commando!!! :D YEA!!
07-08-25 11:59:11
drewby7777 ::: Favorites
not a bad concept, but it's a shame it's just another advertisement for the king of shitty, watered down beers.
07-08-25 06:56:55
andreewww ::: Favorites
one of the greatest users on YouTube. cant wait for more!
07-08-25 05:40:46
not3but1 ::: Favorites
funny shitt
07-08-25 03:27:24
devotchka16 ::: Favorites
lmao, that was bloody amazing!!! i love it. truly guys, great work.
07-08-25 02:32:04
brask310 ::: Favorites
HAHAHA dodgy!!
07-08-25 02:23:22
elbeaner2009 ::: Favorites
hahaahah h0ly shit hahhaha
07-08-25 00:30:39
mrtvman ::: Favorites
07-08-25 00:13:32

20070427 超級星光大道 藝人合唱指定賽 (2/11)

Duration: 07:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-28 23:27:07
User: hmhuangh
:::: Favorites

20070427 超級星光大道 藝人合唱指定賽 劉明峰 VS 戴愛玲 合唱 千年之戀 潘裕文 VS 袁惟仁 合唱 旋木

roxy4rock ::: Favorites
07-08-02 05:01:36
kathybti ::: Favorites
戴愛玲has a very powerful voice. i feel bad for劉明峰, but i think Tao-Zi handled it very well.
07-07-20 20:12:32
hamtorof4 ::: Favorites
nice nice!!!
07-07-19 11:32:08
ees3she1 ::: Favorites
破音..- -b
07-07-01 18:45:20
chanyyyyy ::: Favorites
yes...he got no.5 in the competition..
07-07-04 10:27:37
simtonguri ::: Favorites
it's a hard song to begin with, he's got guts to sing that one. just got nervous.
07-07-07 14:15:59
iluvtaiwan ::: Favorites
sorry im a little new to this compettion, but who got 1st and second place?
07-08-07 15:37:22
k3nt86 ::: Favorites
林宥嘉 got first place
07-08-09 01:08:22
iluvtaiwan ::: Favorites
oh thnx!
07-08-09 15:06:00
smhuang ::: Favorites
07-06-23 08:18:21
akimaruchan32004 ::: Favorites
潘裕文's performance was awesome.... so pretty...~!! ^^" 
07-06-21 16:09:22
bloatedsilverfish ::: Favorites
such a shame..劉明峰一開始唱得很好說...
07-06-14 07:40:47
panshel ::: Favorites
潘裕文咬字很清楚. 聽起來蠻舒服的.
07-05-30 00:03:33
ieatflyingpigs ::: Favorites
His voice makes me's the kind of voice I wish I could listen to right before I fall asleep cuz it's so smooth and nice. xP I actually got goosebumps on my arms when he was singing.
07-08-18 00:29:05

Rush Hour 3 Fan TV Spot

Duration: 01:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-02 09:30:57
User: Anwarrior
:::: Favorites

A sort of fan TV spot for Rush Hour 3, made by me. It's kinda longer than a TV spot so some of you might not wanna call it that.

20070706 超級星光大道 總決賽 (3/13)

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-06 21:13:13
User: hmhuangh
:::: Favorites

評審:袁惟仁 黃韻玲 王偉忠 張宇 曹格

miyukt ::: Favorites
"來現場有感覺到那個feel..." me no english
07-07-31 18:09:37
DaWhip ::: Favorites
Japan is gay
07-07-08 15:14:50
panshel ::: Favorites
定Rain哭很感動. 陶子看不懂分數還蠻好笑的. 小美真的很搞笑.
07-07-07 01:44:26
starnokid ::: Favorites
桃子才剛說完小美在沉思了 馬上又開始搞笑lol
07-08-07 02:24:49
suettracey ::: Favorites
盧學叡very nice !!haha
07-07-07 00:02:19
myluvlyhyesung ::: Favorites
omg i teared up too..
07-07-06 22:32:39
quilcoy ::: Favorites
My tears were for Taiwanese Rain too!
07-07-06 22:10:21
tikkibierga ::: Favorites
:D thanks for uploading
07-07-06 21:48:45

Wasim Akram vs Ramesh

Duration: 00:5 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-21 22:38:55
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Wasim Akram vs Ramesh

Waqars trademark swinging yorker

Duration: 00:4 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-21 22:41:04
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Waqars trademark swinging yorker

MclarenMercedesHash ::: Favorites
where can i download clips?
07-06-20 00:05:53
hilalsuhaib ::: Favorites
What a bowler!
07-01-22 19:16:47

Grey Anatomy

Duration: 02:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-14 12:59:58
User: Kaiajordan
:::: Favorites

Recap with JDM have no rights to this video.Belongs to ABC!!!

20070720 超級星光大道 第二季 百人淘汰賽(上) 4/10

Duration: 09:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-20 14:21:43
User: hmhuangh
:::: Favorites

評審:袁惟仁 黃韻玲 王偉忠 張宇 Roger

god77992003 ::: Favorites
07-08-23 11:56:46
llangel314ll ::: Favorites
i loved 黃美珍's high note towards the end..very good.
07-08-04 02:17:42
clarence1025 ::: Favorites
Kev6198 , u stupid, she is so tough!!! I love her voice
07-07-28 03:38:14
Kev6198 ::: Favorites
WHAT? 黃美珍 is so normal eh... so weird...
07-07-26 08:51:37
itzgal ::: Favorites
she has a very distinct style and voice, thz a part of what the judges are looking for~ I'm curious to see how she does in this competition
07-07-23 04:51:50
shineluvslambiel ::: Favorites
what the heck i thought 黃美珍 is really just ok...
07-07-21 23:37:30
pin0513 ::: Favorites
黃美珍's Voice sounds like Boa
07-07-21 06:49:41
irenennasshio ::: Favorites
thanks for sharing~
07-07-20 21:28:37

20070824 超級星光大道 第二季 雙人合唱決定賽 (11/12)

Duration: 10:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-24 17:21:57
User: hmhuangh
:::: Favorites

超級星光大道 雙人合唱決定賽 主持人:陶晶瑩 特別來賓:蕭敬騰 評審:袁惟仁 黃韻玲 張宇 張惠妹 黃小琥 造型師:Roger

bdsrca ::: Favorites
评委的标准前后不一 很不公平
07-08-25 16:12:12
simtonguri ::: Favorites
07-08-25 16:58:51
moglin ::: Favorites
07-08-25 06:10:57
kathybti ::: Favorites
not this time though. his performance in this episode wasn't any stronger than the girl's....
07-08-25 21:45:50
FungusFlu ::: Favorites
美珍 rocks! I love her voice and her attitude... best female singer this season!
07-08-25 05:45:06
allen1211 ::: Favorites
07-08-25 05:29:36
simtonguri ::: Favorites
07-08-25 16:46:18
allen1211 ::: Favorites
07-08-25 05:28:34
kathybti ::: Favorites
i saw it, too. don't think it's that necessary though.
07-08-25 21:47:41
blueangela48 ::: Favorites
美珍 rocks. But for that Indian girl, she's acting WAY TOO MUCH, is so distracting but singing was just OK. I would enjoy this song much better if only 美珍 sings it.
07-08-25 00:23:07
bladesilinde ::: Favorites
07-08-24 22:05:41
kathybti ::: Favorites
haha, you mean at 4:02, right? i noticed, too.
07-08-25 21:43:38
bladesilinde ::: Favorites
yeah! 黄美珍!
07-08-24 22:01:12
lightcreamcheese ::: Favorites
07-08-24 17:46:56

La Ausencia - Estar

Duration: 04:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 23:15:49
User: paqui2007
:::: Favorites

En La Parada - Miraflores 1999

Pioneers of Cricket - Sanath Jayasuriya Part 1

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-10 01:02:19
User: cricvideos
:::: Favorites

Pioneers of Cricket - Sanath Jayasuriya Part 1

sonicvc15 ::: Favorites
Sanath is the one is compared to him
07-08-22 19:00:53
manne8 ::: Favorites
sanath u r de best all rounder in one day cricket with more than 12000 and 300 wickets. U r de first who achieved that milestone and no other player is geeting closer 4 dat record. I want 2 see u playing at MCG in dis summer and hope u will do wel. I'm also pround of u as a matarian, Come on! sanath u r de great. from melbourne.......
07-08-21 00:01:45
sponi2002 ::: Favorites
Sanath is the best oneday player.....All his 100'S except his one hundres against England ,were match winning 100s,currently he is da only non-australian best aneday player..........
07-05-14 06:51:59
harisworks ::: Favorites
He makes it look so easy, like as anyone could do it ... but when you try it, man you realize it is something special. A legend!
07-05-07 06:00:14
Come0utSwnging ::: Favorites
Love this guy
07-05-03 03:05:41
faraz875 ::: Favorites
afridi cannot be compared to this guy, pakistani and i love afridi...but thi sguy is in another class
07-04-26 17:09:03
meabid ::: Favorites
afridi is better bcz you can atleast see some one playing under the helmet... just kidding...jaya has changed the game, with no technique but his own style...
07-04-23 02:24:02
dasithds ::: Favorites
remains to be seen:P
07-04-06 12:50:35
kshit ::: Favorites
big hitter...second to Afridi...hehe
07-04-02 18:24:09
dasithds ::: Favorites
afridi is nothing, he has only 4000 runs, sana has 11000+ runs, most amount of sixes, second highest number of ceturies, fastest fifty, second fastest hundred(record held by afridi^_^) but this guys IT, not afridi
07-04-06 04:43:55
kshit ::: Favorites
hehe,I knew you would say this. But Afridi is much younger. He will easily get more sixes. Plus,Afridi also has 201 wickets and 4998 runs, and his overall strike rate is 106 something. Jayasuryia is a great player,but his ODI average could be better. Afridi has fastest century,third fastest twice, and he has so many fifities under 25 balls. But Jaya is great. But remember,Afridi is just 27 years.Jaya is 38.
07-04-06 08:01:01
raydawg325 ::: Favorites
LOL there is no argument here man...Jayasuryia is a legend who changed the sport
07-05-04 09:33:52
chum79 ::: Favorites
What a great played
06-10-11 05:16:24

Big Brother USA 8 Mike Talks To Daniele Part 1

Duration: 09:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-26 10:27:02
User: TommyVercetti001
:::: Favorites

Mike tells Daniele why she should vote to keep him in this week.