Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Channel, My Face

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-01 19:52:53
User: atree3
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xelander  atree3  announcement  channel  leaving  


I called my bear Xelander and look what happened to me! I am leaving for India, 2 months. If anyone can tell me how to post text announcements I will post journal entries while I am away.


atree3 ::: Favorites  2008-01-17 23:31:23

I've been here 9 times, and always missed Holi
celticnooneson ::: Favorites  2008-01-15 11:11:14

If my timing on this is good, I wish you Bon Voyage. And calendar-wise, that means you'll be over there during HOLI Day. So while it was not much fun for the demoness Holika, it's still a gas for kids, watch out for the colored powder and the water pistols. Peace
Valersia ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 13:30:19

Found you through Jolene Sugarbaker. She has such good taste in everything. Have fun in India. I would love to go there, and expereience that culture.
trillian57 ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 09:44:23

OUCH! Have a wonderful trip. I just found you thanks to JoleneSugarbaker, and here you are leaving! Be careful!
Illuminatta ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 09:29:13

Thanks. Saw it. It came out after I commented here. :)

Other Video Blog Entries

Daniel Craig / James Bond drawing
Amityville Toaster
Morning Coffee: Why Study Economic History?
Putting Valpo City On The Map
Donovan - Mellow Yellow


DTMpower gmu show

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-30 17:27:55
User: swordman510
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DTMpower  street  racing  


gmu show


mareckixxx ::: Favorites  2007-11-02 16:34:59

Sunbeam - Outside World (Original Mix)
mareckixxx ::: Favorites  2007-10-28 11:40:08

Sunbeam - Outside World (Original Mix)
mareckixxx ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 04:11:51

what is this song??
dajmos9 ::: Favorites  2007-10-02 05:26:09

Skąd można ściągnąć tę wersję piosenki? z góry dzięki
dajmos9 ::: Favorites  2007-10-02 05:24:34

Jak nazywa się ta piosenka???

Other Video Blog Entries

The Wire Season 4 Music Recap
$trick9 - Monday Jewel 08.06.07
tree felling maine
Super Mario Strikers
riding dirtyXD


e1 video

Duration: 01:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-08 10:49:09
User: ffpm
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aaron  brude  music  video  


clip of my music video


Other Video Blog Entries

ピッチングマシーンの次はバッティングマシーン CheeZ チーズ
Re: Another Random Blog
Blood Gnome clip with Michael Haboush
Lupe Fiasco - Dumb It Down


Sir Paul McCartney making mashed potatoes

Duration: 10:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-24 07:45:49
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Filmed in 1998, several months after the death of his first wife, Linda, the former Beatle staged a live cookery show on the Internet. The hour-long special was part tribute to her, part promotion of her posthumous album Wide Prairie. This 10 minute excerpt shows him performing wonders with the humble spud.


scarface7777 ::: Favorites  2008-01-27 21:46:32

thats heellllariouss
flowerchild617 ::: Favorites  2008-01-17 19:34:09

i love paul with all my heart!
spaztasticFUCK ::: Favorites  2007-12-23 14:15:08

gawd, i want to hug him to bits.
luvthebeatles ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 16:23:33

Wow this is a really funny video. I love it its so random and funny. Paul can do anyhting really if you think about it.
believr77 ::: Favorites  2007-11-27 15:30:06

wow, I learned how to make mashed potatoes from Paul McCartney.

Other Video Blog Entries

angela costello Nice And Easy
Pokemon Fusions!(Read description)
Bradley Smith pleit voor open debat holocaust 3(5)
あまりの寒さで熱湯が一瞬で凍りつく映像 CheeZ チーズ
Are You From Dixie?



Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-16 17:21:09
User: zebralover
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charlie  hayley  chris  pleasureisland  


me n my mate n my bors gay chav mate on the hyper blaster at pleasure island, cleethorpes


Shanniee1234 ::: Favorites  2008-02-01 09:07:55

Haha been on that more than 10 times!
Jarvis300 ::: Favorites  2007-07-26 07:01:51

PleasureIsland is rubbish
scunnybadboy6 ::: Favorites  2007-07-18 13:39:43

im off tommorow =)
Jeimii ::: Favorites  2007-07-05 16:32:36

Hyper Blasters a great ride!
deathmetaler6666 ::: Favorites  2007-06-28 11:05:04

chavs suck

Other Video Blog Entries

German shepherd captions
Re: ??? ?12 ???
me drumming, then getting screamed at, by my brother
Rihanna-Umbrella (Un-official MATALEON RMX)
Marching Cobras


Achtuuung 2

Duration: 00:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-17 13:20:40
User: jacck17
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achtung  petarda  bam  benc  pach  weapons  gun  guns  bronie  gta  san  andreas  dynamit  bomba  zabawy  zabawa  odpust  


Wielkie bum achtunga xD


kozikowski11 ::: Favorites  2008-01-16 15:38:46

Ehh... Fotoblysk jest silniejszy.. A w dzisiajszych czasach, bomby robi sie na glowicach nuklearnych, uranie itd... Na prochu czarnym to piraci z karaibow strzelaja z armat w Twoja chate...
Michal9200GTR ::: Favorites  2008-01-15 06:53:00

ha downy.. powiecie mi moze ze fotobłysk jest mocniejszy od prochu czarnego... jak byście sie kutafony cos znali to fotobłysk jest tylko po to zeby dawał zajebise efekty a nie do bomb
TomashPL58 ::: Favorites  2008-01-15 05:26:02

Tak daunie. Zaspawaj sobie tone trotylu wsadź w gacie i zdetonuj. Żal mi takich debili, nie dość że narażają siebie to jeszcze innych. Wiesz ile leci odłamek takiej rury? Nie? to Ci powiem. Do 10km. A na dystansie 5km może z palcem w dupie zabić. I co z tego że sie schowałeś jak kogoś 2km dalej odłamek trafi w szyję? Takich ludzi jak Ty powinno sie wiązać w kaftanach.
kozikowski11 ::: Favorites  2008-01-12 17:07:24

W achtungu nie ma prochu czarnego, tylko fotoblysk...
rkccse ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 12:09:14

tak szczerze, to chuj nas interesuje twoja "bomba". I nie zaśmiecaj miejsca swoimi powtarzającymi się komentarzami. Będziesz dalej sie tak tym podniecał to mokre gacie będziesz miał. Dzieciaku...

Other Video Blog Entries

Obama For President
American Idol Auditions S7- Atlanta 2/5/08 pt.3
Godfrey, Kim Coles, Dennis Miller - Comics Unleashed
SDC- Bubbly: CoCo
Kathy singing Sun and Moon from Miss Saigon


Poor Cat On Fan

Duration: 00:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-26 16:26:49
User: jm01231
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Other Video Blog Entries

###The Kiosk - Go Go Go###
NY Giants final game winning drive
Don't mess wit' da bone!
Arkoudi Private Island
damar arabesk mehmet sonses benimde bugun