Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Smashing my psp

Duration: 28 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-17 23:24:43
User: CMON69
:::: Favorites

me smashing the cheetoes out of my psp

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samsamsameooo ::: Favorites
that wasnt scary in the slightest, to make it scary you need to be doing something quiet and calm before the picture of the girl comes up. so go and do it again with something else.
07-07-06 19:08:43
mexicangrl2004 ::: Favorites
god your so gay
07-07-10 18:49:26
Lolise1265 ::: Favorites
you are gay
07-07-12 08:40:05
SharinganLord ::: Favorites
You know, I saw someone post something similar to it. I mean, if you're not gonna smash it, then dont post. Why do you bother?
07-07-14 00:26:07
dennis96411 ::: Favorites
You know that picture was some games from Winterrowd(dot)com. You are fucked up dick head.
07-07-15 02:04:12
TStyle05 ::: Favorites
That was fucked up xD The Image has shocked me a ,lil bit, but your Scream make it funny xD
07-07-15 18:24:14
narutoakame2 ::: Favorites
bull **** video
07-07-25 01:02:36
sanbruno650 ::: Favorites
ur a sack ov shit nigga. go suck a dick.
07-07-27 22:20:28
CMON69 ::: Favorites
get scared pussy
07-07-27 22:37:03
indyfan500 ::: Favorites
good job you made the worst video on YouTube
07-07-31 01:33:39

Italian training

Duration: 30 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-26 11:51:00
User: Conkys21
:::: Favorites


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Evil Cat

Duration: 19 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-16 15:41:33
User: wharke
:::: Favorites

Evil Cat

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localClient ::: Favorites
07-07-17 23:41:22
glabstake ::: Favorites
I say human abuse and killing is further up the list of atrocities than animal abuse and killing. Who's the sicko here? I'm not saying I condone animal abuse, but really, be a little more mature and level-headed in your reactions. Saying you'd like to murder someone makes you no better than the people who did whatever they did to that crazy cat.
07-07-18 05:40:25
Mausx3 ::: Favorites
You are in the damn right!
07-07-19 13:38:36
logbfmv ::: Favorites
did u buyght it??
07-07-20 07:11:08
ayko87 ::: Favorites
this poor kittie is just frightened..
07-07-20 09:08:58
tharealsteven ::: Favorites
u fuk off and u r the sicko not me, dont u laugh at anything? allwayz bein a tight ass about everything and everyone. geta life fool
07-07-21 19:01:20
tharealsteven ::: Favorites
u f##k off, wud u have that distressed cat in ur house???
07-07-21 19:05:16
tharealsteven ::: Favorites
07-07-21 19:06:39
inevitablekiller ::: Favorites
people can fend for themselves. wich is why i choose to threaten sickos like such. just as they may threaten the animal. NO. human are the worlds smartest species and we know more about brutality and wrong and take as a thing of advantage whiles these animals live on instinct NOT GREED. Therefor it is the job of human to straighten the fuck up and take action and quite being greedy and evil and ruine everything because of our greed.
07-07-26 19:12:10
inevitablekiller ::: Favorites
humans can be so sick they kill eachother but yet we go and cry about that. THEN dont do it. you think a bear is amused when he attacks you? he feels threatened he doesnt do it for fun and be a wise guy with his buddies afterward about it. ???????????????????WTF R u guys talkin about. have some respect for nature u concrete prowlers. get a clue about the world. be normal and quite ruining shit
07-07-26 19:14:09

music videoTitanic Techno Remix

Duration: 338 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-09 08:48:13
User: butters169
:::: Favorites

i found this song on limeWire as DHT- Titanic Techno Remix

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gorgous69 ::: Favorites
yukk u reck the bluddy photo
07-07-23 05:40:40
patukuzunkol ::: Favorites
Hahahahahahhahaaaa... what a gr8 photo! ;-)
07-07-23 06:12:06
kazunmazunfozun ::: Favorites
the begginning is exactly from KC - Escape To :))
07-07-23 09:47:05
gorloth ::: Favorites
hahahah!! nice 1st pic... so fucking good :)
07-07-23 13:58:05
serviceelevator ::: Favorites
wow this song is beautiful!!!
07-07-24 00:49:25
spacecowboy22 ::: Favorites
how strange is this, all those years ago this tragic thing happened, and in our generation we are watchin techno tunes about it on the tinternet lol bizarre to think
07-07-28 08:59:26
jakeo77 ::: Favorites
Haha, that's a good way to think of it!
07-07-28 20:45:54
nprenty12 ::: Favorites
thats shit just shows how easy dance music is made lot of it sounds the same grrrrrrr
07-07-30 21:06:20
ichigo14hell ::: Favorites
what the fuck?! that sucks
07-07-31 08:08:22
kaseira44 ::: Favorites
cool song but the picture gets me...
07-07-31 15:37:41

Wii Sports Golf Hole in One german

Duration: 29 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-10 10:19:06
User: Cracklink
:::: Favorites

Hole in One on a german Wii Console. (Hole 4 Par 3)

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7h3R0ck90 ::: Favorites
ASS haahahahah
07-07-30 08:02:17
XxXxXxXxnarutoXxXxXx ::: Favorites
i spat out my ice tea when i saw the ass
07-07-30 11:49:59
jumpertje1001 ::: Favorites
07-07-30 15:10:30
ArmanMoo ::: Favorites
lol the german translators got so boring they wrote Ass... haha kidding XD
07-07-31 08:26:47
ArmanMoo ::: Favorites
whoops, grammar misstake, bored* :D
07-07-31 08:27:14
wiithepeople2 ::: Favorites
nice ass lol!
07-07-31 10:15:57
Sk8er4life111 ::: Favorites
Hey...Thats a nice ass
07-07-31 10:49:09
rochgymnastnymphhm ::: Favorites
For hot girls showing off on cams check out CAMVIEWSDIRECT . COM
07-07-31 17:55:44
Giluc ::: Favorites
ASS!!!!!! XD What does Ass means in German?
07-07-31 18:14:41
wangjosh3000 ::: Favorites
ROFL.... ASS??? ROFL!!! da dude got a hole-in-one and he gets called an ASS? lol!
07-07-31 19:29:32

GO granny Go

Duration: 569 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-07 05:20:30
User: dark72
:::: Favorites

Bus Trip through Prince George

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Intaccare1nei1Comput ::: Favorites
hmm.Idiots. *sniff*sniff* I smell new targets for Haters Club maybe?? Retarded. Fucking retarded.Maybe take the fucking lens cover off next time so you don't hear it clicking and clacking as you go along. *Look First comment and its a SLAM!
06-07-08 13:02:51
cletic ::: Favorites
stfu faggot unless you wanna get your fucking face kicked in
07-03-14 14:29:41
gordonprice ::: Favorites
yeah man! Don't mess with a guy ON THE INTERNET! He'll cyber kick your ass
07-05-15 22:54:51
hue37 ::: Favorites
Could you guys post more video footage of the sites around Prince Geogre,BC?I grew-up here and haven't been back home in a long time.
06-07-09 01:59:34
Sovikos ::: Favorites
LOL who gets on the bus on that street. Hope you don't live there!
06-12-11 06:56:23
14lululemon14 ::: Favorites
haha mat youre a loser<3 lol.. kind of reminds me of something id do ahaha
07-02-25 01:07:32
dmb1464c727 ::: Favorites
Hot movie. This site is pretty neat for wild girls - <B> CAMZHOME DOT COM </B>
07-07-24 00:56:34

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theme

Duration: 185 seconds
Upload Time: 06-01-25 14:13:36
User: smosh
:::: Favorites

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles now has a skit and music video to accompany it. NEW "Evil Shredder" shirts, based on this video available at Watch this video in higher quality & download at

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NikkiolaRadcliffe ::: Favorites
I love how the frisbee is an AOL disk...
07-07-31 00:18:01
MortalKoment ::: Favorites
LOL! Leonardo does machines!
07-07-31 00:24:35
mikeymymoosie ::: Favorites
what was with the really fast poster change..
07-07-31 00:30:15
starfire976 ::: Favorites
haha beautiful
07-07-31 00:54:29
JIMakaAOREOakaJIMR ::: Favorites
lol i finally saw the guy getting ran over by the car.
07-07-31 01:17:23
alwaysBfamous ::: Favorites
07-07-31 12:01:43
Giflar ::: Favorites
haha really funny :D
07-07-31 12:26:35
LucasCAPS ::: Favorites
Music out of nowhere. Name size proportional to the amount donated. Cooooool! =D
07-07-31 18:11:28
Inuyashagirl2006223 ::: Favorites
1:59 look at the wall
07-07-31 21:43:55
Inuyashagirl2006223 ::: Favorites
when dose that happen? ?:??
07-07-31 21:51:01

Ja nic

Duration: 16 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-29 10:37:45
User: FrankiePD
:::: Favorites

(only for slovaks and cezchs)

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The Boondocks: Jesus Walks

Duration: 199 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-05 20:19:44
User: SUPREMEdonuan
:::: Favorites

I had this vision for a Boondocks/Jesus Walks video and had to make it a reality. I could say I made this video for Black History Month, but why do we only get a month? I made this for Black History Year. 365 Black. Song: Jesus Walks (Outro: Never Let Me Down) Artist: Kanye West

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lafemme4rious ::: Favorites
A Beautiful masterpiece! A Classic Work of Black Art that strengthens and empowers us for the struggle!
07-07-26 23:47:29
UptownVeteran12 ::: Favorites
Very good job with the video dude. I really like this song. Keep up the good work.
07-07-26 23:56:07
HinduMan786 ::: Favorites
WOW. One of the best music collabs on YouTube.
07-07-27 12:52:44
karashin18 ::: Favorites
"A MONTH??!!!!????" At least you guys get a month! We Native American onnly get ONE DAY! That is if you heard of "Native American Day" In Nov. But other than that, cool vid
07-07-28 21:11:07
isaik13 ::: Favorites
i feel ya dude im a forth "native american (i dislike the term) but im three forths black and thats one cool vid
07-07-30 03:36:02
annamedina23 ::: Favorites
this song goes well with the cartoon the boondocks cause they some bad but kids and needs to listen to this you did an awesome job keep it up
07-07-30 03:45:17
karashin18 ::: Favorites
Cool thanx for that, and I am not a dude. lol
07-07-31 00:29:22
isaik13 ::: Favorites
dude dosn't neci...... dosn't have to mean guy it could be person
07-07-31 16:14:39
karashin18 ::: Favorites
yeah well, to me that is just how i take the term, but like i said it's just me. :)
07-07-31 18:43:33
HinduMan786 ::: Favorites
Native Americans have a month (November). It's just less celebrated.
07-07-31 19:41:23

Wuppie war III

Duration: 102 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-29 11:44:54
User: niek04
:::: Favorites

Kort nadat Oranje uitgeschakeld is op het WK in Duitsland zijn de Wuppies door alle frustraties met elkaar in geveceht geraakt, alhier wat beelden...

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GundamAssaultSuit ::: Favorites
vangelis paradise of conquest was van een film zelfde dus
06-12-07 15:03:03
dev2000 ::: Favorites
ahahahahahahaha ik moet dat ook is doen
06-12-18 11:11:04
Wruppo ::: Favorites
Leuk en zielig (en hoe kan je trouwens iets bij erbij typen zoals wat hier bij de film op het eind is?)
07-02-15 09:30:48
Elwin4mad ::: Favorites
Ey mensen, Post jullie " anti-wuppie" filmpjes bij mijn filmpje: wuppies (what to do with them) dan krijgen wij een mooie data-base van wuppies moorden :) -E.
07-03-16 14:52:59
Miister00 ::: Favorites
Man.., die wuppies moet je verkopen op marktplaats daar bieden ze best veel voor Gek! :D
07-05-05 10:54:54
Sandmann123456789 ::: Favorites
Hoe heet dit nummer ???
07-05-09 14:55:59
willinwo2 ::: Favorites
daar moet je windows movie maker voor hebben
07-06-02 14:56:33
fckingyt ::: Favorites
lauw man
07-07-05 16:21:22
awandamanda ::: Favorites
arme wuppie:P
07-07-10 07:41:06
Wruppo ::: Favorites
Beste wuppie video... mijne zijn slecht
07-07-31 04:40:43

Panjabi MC - Mundian To Bach Ke (Knight Rider Remix)

Duration: 234 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-16 20:47:56
User: VishizzleVideos
:::: Favorites

Music: Mundian To Bach Ke (Knight Rider Remix) Artist: Panjabi MC A.K.A. Rajinder Rai

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filipes9754 ::: Favorites
the girl is verry cool! ;D
07-07-16 12:20:40
doncartel69er ::: Favorites
your a is that
07-07-26 22:25:59
killerinstinct1337 ::: Favorites
PUNDI'S!!! lol
07-07-27 12:34:33
rivkahshowsdollw ::: Favorites
See hot girls on cam at camazoncams dot com
07-07-27 15:36:17
4dearfriend ::: Favorites
oyee oyee sam berrobaar hain wow ai mundian tu bach ke rahi naaa
07-07-27 19:07:08
Sanandreasmad123077 ::: Favorites
blonde travolta lmao
07-07-29 13:05:41
PrinceTerrien ::: Favorites
shut up !!!! Just post that on ur channel !!!!anyway the song is great!!!!dont ruin it rivlkahshowdollw
07-07-30 16:50:24
killerinstinct1337 ::: Favorites
07-07-30 22:58:34
killer5646 ::: Favorites
07-07-30 23:00:48
adsere2k8 ::: Favorites
it's so great.......................but why? lol
07-07-31 15:49:47

Scary Skeleton Prank

Duration: 136 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-08 06:28:56
User: annang9
:::: Favorites

A very funny/scary prank played in Portugal, but you don't need to understnad it its very funny. ITS A MUST SEE!!!!!

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qpzmak ::: Favorites
yeah right you would probably shit your pants
07-07-21 01:45:39
qpzmak ::: Favorites
yeah right you would shit your pants
07-07-21 01:46:16
qpzmak ::: Favorites
yeah right you would shit your pants
07-07-21 01:47:00
GOTHICA3000 ::: Favorites
it would shock me, but then i'd be cool with it, i have always love ghosts, skeletons, and grave yards, there just awsome!
07-07-21 13:02:51
liltd87 ::: Favorites
poor hobo lost his drink over a prank. LMFAO
07-07-22 10:32:24
stokmarknes ::: Favorites
Dont scare homeless people! They have enough issues!
07-07-22 22:20:05
Goddess2189 ::: Favorites
i cannot stop laughin!!! LOL. dude if i saw that thing i'd be runnin down the blcok just like the rest of them! that was hilarious
07-07-25 03:58:50
LarfinMan ::: Favorites
i wouldnt have run, obviously fake yet it woulda scared me for a couple of seconds, AWESOME VID!!
07-07-28 07:47:46
Schnitz1 ::: Favorites
Ha ha. The people never stopped running!
07-07-29 21:02:45
bobbyb367L ::: Favorites
funny but i wish i knew what they were saying
07-07-30 08:25:41

Klay World: Off The Table

Duration: 181 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-26 16:42:57
User: stmirren37
:::: Favorites

A great trailer for the full-length film from Knox. Will the Klaymen survive off the table? NOT MY WORK - FROM

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sephiroth2172 ::: Favorites this or Like what...?
07-06-16 12:28:41
patrickfuckingdavis ::: Favorites
thanx =D
07-06-16 17:16:52
XennsCloset1 ::: Favorites
I have this movie. i love it, it inspired me to start making claymations. check my profile soon for my claymation series that will be premiering here on youtube.
07-06-17 17:36:36
stmirren37 ::: Favorites
ah my vid is the discussion of all things klay... i'm touched (sniff) thanks everybody!!!
07-06-19 14:36:28
Dancolehawk ::: Favorites
where the freak is the video
07-06-20 16:09:03
treyanddan ::: Favorites
This movie looks cool!! I want to see it sooooo bad!! I also want the klayworld series dvd! :)
07-06-22 10:12:54
mcdonaIds ::: Favorites
This movie looks EPIC!
07-06-23 00:38:57
knoxsmom ::: Favorites
His web site is KnoxsKorner. com You can purchase it from there.
07-06-28 01:53:24
sasukeuchiha548 ::: Favorites
i like the guy who was danceing at begining lol
07-07-12 21:10:51
ElectricElijah ::: Favorites
07-07-26 21:01:07

Hannah Montana - Make Some Noise[Karaoke/Instrumental]

Duration: 290 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-14 14:23:30
User: randybp
:::: Favorites

The karaoke/instrumental version of "Make Some Noise" by Hannah Montana from the Hannah Montana Season 2 Soundtrack/Meet Miley Cyrus CD. Made by randybp.

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EmeraldXd ::: Favorites
Well due... (teen mag) maybe so shes acting like it shes got many sisters, and such stuff ^.^ I'm a know it all arnt I well I would make a big fuss but no thx
07-07-23 09:44:08
kjs08 ::: Favorites
i love this song. i already know they lyrics by heart! :) <3
07-07-24 16:05:59
JodieMileyEmily101 ::: Favorites
i know the lyrics so well i have a ipod that has lyrics its cool
07-07-24 17:23:30
princessxHannah1497 ::: Favorites
i lik3 ur Make some noise! have a look at mine. and yeah please comment!! : )
07-07-25 10:19:47
samalo1995 ::: Favorites
i think u should put lyrics next time
07-07-27 10:12:07
easims ::: Favorites
that is not hannah montanna that person
07-07-29 07:10:08
SweetNibblets101 ::: Favorites
I sing this song awesome!!!
07-07-29 22:35:08
MileyCentral ::: Favorites
plz look at my vids!yay!
07-07-30 04:00:13
GaloppHere ::: Favorites
I love singing this song, and I think I am pretty good. At least until ''don't give up''. haha, i can't sing the notes after that! hate it..
07-07-31 14:43:50
devvon101 ::: Favorites
07-07-31 20:45:23

Park montage

Duration: 54 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-27 21:38:50
User: Beefstew45
:::: Favorites

Montage at Palatine skate prk. Update! I sent this in to Fox Jox, and this was feachered on fox news chicago. Yay

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firepower2003 ::: Favorites
damn this kid is is pretty good, is it the same kid from the guitar video?
07-05-16 18:52:41
Beefstew45 ::: Favorites
No, the kid in this vid is me. The kid in the guitar vid is my brother
07-05-19 11:04:43
mtbaker3inde ::: Favorites
how old are you
07-07-03 23:58:01
Cheesemonster34 ::: Favorites
Im 12
07-07-05 20:39:38
mtaaffe ::: Favorites
this one is alot better.
07-07-16 13:47:28
Beefstew45 ::: Favorites
I know
07-07-16 13:50:53
khrazza ::: Favorites
blunt stall was ill
07-07-29 17:22:32
Beefstew45 ::: Favorites
yes. Thats bad, right?
07-07-29 22:07:58
khrazza ::: Favorites
lol na, it was cool
07-07-30 13:18:39