in this special report, Alex is joined by Kevin Booth, whose new documentary film American Drug War has taken independent cinema by storm and won several awards. American Drug War shows how money, power and greed have corrupted not just drug pushers and dope fiends, but an entire government. More importantly, it shows what can be done about it.
In the movie, Booth explores why The War on Drugs has become the longest and most costly war in American history, leading us to ask, how much more can the country endure? Inspired by the death of four family members from "legal drugs" Texas filmmaker Kevin Booth sets out to discover why the Drug War has become such a big failure.
Kevin explains how the film picks up from the Nixon era in the early 70's, through the Iran-Contra link to the media-created crack epidemic of the 80's. Kevin compares the statistics for the death counts of illegal drugs and legal pharmaceutical drugs