Thursday, October 11, 2007


Duration: 04:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-06 08:42:44
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 「フライデー」 -平成19年10月05日号 ★平成19年10月5日 放送★ キャスター:山際澄夫・児玉千洋 ゲスト:堤堯(ジャーナリスト)


Duration: 09:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-09 20:29:16
User: KAMEHAME0707
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元海上保安大学校校長・三宅 教雄氏による講義。北方四島・竹島・尖閣諸島の領有権問題・台湾の行方など。ロシアの不法占拠が続いている北方領土の領有権の変遷。

Brandy - Full Moon (Cutfather & Joe Remix)

Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-15 13:18:37
User: FooledByTheMoon
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Really energetic version of Full Moon. In my opinion it's much better than original. Boy, I saw you soon as you came bouncing through the door, You and your mans and them just took over the floor, Started doing your thing And it made me notice you even more, The way, you turned around and looked at me it seemed as though, You must have somehow felt me staring on the low, Something tells me you're the kind of guy I'd like to get to know I ain't even gonna front I ain't even gonna lie Since you walked up in the club I've been giving you the eye We can dance if you want Get it crackin' if you like Must be a full moon Feel like one of those nights Why is this the first time that I'm seeing you around Could you be visiting, or are you new in town Yeah,whatever the case I'm feeling you right here and right now Your smile, and all the love your showing lets me know that you like what you see and wanna get to know me too This could very well be the start of something special Happy that I met I ain't even gonna front I ain't even gonna lie Since you walked up in the club I've been giving you the eye We can dance if you want Get it crackin' if you like Must be a full moon Feel like one of those nights I ain't even gonna front I ain't even gonna lie Since you walked up in the club I've been giving you the eye We can dance if you want Get it crackin' if you like Must be a full moon Feels like one of those nights I didn't think that I, come here tonight,meet someone like you Start feeling the way I do Seems like we've known each other, most of our lives After one conversation,this must be right I ain't even gonna front I ain't even gonna lie Since you walked up in the club I've been giving you the eye We can dance if you want Get it crackin' if you like Must be a full moon Feels like one of those nights I ain't even gonna front I ain't even gonna lie Since you walked up in the club I've been giving you the eye We can dance if you want Get it crackin' if you like Must be a full moon Feels like one of those nights I ain't even gonna front I ain't even gonna lie Since you walked up in the club I've been giving you the eye We can dance if you want Get it crackin' if you like Must be a full moon Feels like one of those nights I ain't even gonna front I ain't even gonna lie Since you walked up in the club I've been giving you the eye We can dance if you want Get it crackin' if you like Must be a full moon Feels like one of those nights


margherocks ::: Favorites
this is the best version!
07-10-10 11:33:55

62年前 日本は何を間違えたか・3-2

Duration: 08:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-25 05:32:10
User: KAMEHAME0707
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日本文化チャンネル桜 現代コリア研究/第125回:62年前 日本は何を間違えたか ゲスト:福冨健一(NPO法人公共政策総合研究所 代表理事) キャスター:丹羽文生(作新学院大学総合政策研究所 研究員・日本戦略研究フォーラム 政策提言委員)

VOOKS - Full Internet Channel Video

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-11 23:54:13
User: VOOK64
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A quick rundown of what the new Internet Channel on the Wii. For more information and still screens:


narutofanclub123 ::: Favorites
the new internet chanel is awsome i downloaded it at 1 in the morning
07-04-12 18:47:40
spritemoney ::: Favorites
thta's sweet, i'll buy a wii once it's 100 dollars
07-04-12 08:42:14
afgannyfanny ::: Favorites
nintoddo is the first poster.
07-04-12 00:41:23


Duration: 09:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 21:35:51
User: KAMEHAME0707
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爆弾発言テンコ盛りの座談シリーズ・07/08/21放送。 第13回:元・中国人が語る!中国の実態/ゲスト:鳴霞(「月刊 中国」編集長)、水間政憲(ジャーナリスト)


Duration: 05:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-09 08:37:10
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 -平成19年10月08日号 ★平成19年10月8日 放送★ キャスター:大高未貴・前田有一 コメンテーター:井尻千男 ■ 井尻千男の快刀乱麻


identification7 ::: Favorites
07-10-11 03:54:56

「特攻 國破れても国は滅びず」<ダイジェスト版>・2-2

Duration: 06:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-17 07:33:16
User: KAMEHAME0707
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映画「特攻 國破れても国は滅びず」のダイジェスト版。


hatsunori ::: Favorites
貴重なお言葉です。戦時下を知っている文化人達よりも 戦争を体験した方達のお言葉です。 もっともっと言葉を・・・後世のために!
07-09-02 03:08:41

「東京に核が落ちたら・・・」If "a nucleus falls into Tokyo ..."

Duration: 07:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-17 09:57:58
User: toybox222
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1979年頃の映像です。 拾い物。


chummycheer ::: Favorites
I'll be glad to see this happen
07-09-30 10:49:12
truthquest ::: Favorites
I'd rather see this event happen in Beijing.
07-09-30 17:52:03
iam980 ::: Favorites
Remember, if are going to kill someone which means you must accept being kill during the war. Freedom is not free of charge! Price have to pay
07-08-26 05:00:17
nickdudeman07 ::: Favorites
you people scare me
07-08-25 11:45:11
bacman37 ::: Favorites
日本が仕掛けた侵略戦争で原爆と同じくらい苦しんでいる多くの国々の事を考えると、複雑ですね 原爆を落としたアメリカが悪いと思う日本人同様に、日本軍にひどい目にあった人々は日本人をにくみうらんでいるのだろうからね
07-08-12 15:27:51
drgentlewolf ::: Favorites
冷戦時代か・・・・懐かしいな。 子供の頃、日本の総理は米国に謝ってばかりだった・・・原爆落とした米国に。
07-07-31 23:50:45


Duration: 05:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-04 09:44:26
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 -平成19年10月03日号 ★平成19年10月03日 放送★ キャスター:水島総・鈴木邦子


naoto575757 ::: Favorites
集会で高校生が 「私たちの祖父たちがうそをついてるとでもいいたいのでしょうか?」 声を揃えて「私たちは真実を知りたい」 完全に言わされてるよ・・・ 真実を知りたいならなぜこの集会に参加する?
07-10-06 07:02:37
farenopusizu ::: Favorites
07-10-06 00:25:41
9771210 ::: Favorites
07-10-05 03:40:45
Mitsuru744 ::: Favorites
出ました。左翼お得意の論点のすり替え(笑 今回問題なのは反戦に名を借りた左翼の反日活動と沖縄の構造的な経済腐敗ですよ。沖縄船はもう終わった事ですが、反日活動は今そこにある危機です。扱いが違います。だからサヨクはこうやって火消しにやって来るんですね。
07-10-05 11:03:13
fjhgfx ::: Favorites
ちょwいいところで切れてるwww 続きplz
07-10-05 00:47:09


Duration: 09:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 07:30:40
User: KAMEHAME0707
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爆弾! #14★平成19年9月4日 放送★/其三。 第14回:【186kg爆弾!】弁護士南出が法体系のねじれを斬る! ゲスト:南出喜久治(弁護士)

My Girls Aloud Movie!

Duration: 05:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-15 13:08:34
User: birdy295
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Hiya! The Music is the soundtrack to Home Truths.This is my first ever video! please leave a comment and tell me what yoou think thanks :)


hudz1987 ::: Favorites
I would love the song if u could add me please
07-06-06 11:21:29
birdy295 ::: Favorites
if you want the song pm me and i'll add you on msn and send it you :)
07-06-04 18:23:37
BigFanCheryl ::: Favorites
is there any chance of downloading this song?? because i can see it anywhere? thanks x
07-06-04 16:20:04
BigFanCheryl ::: Favorites
love this! you did amaznig job on it.. love cheryl and kimberley pictures
07-06-03 14:31:51
birdy295 ::: Favorites
i love Kimberly and Cheryl
07-05-29 12:47:58
louiseandkatie ::: Favorites
i love it my fave is Cheryl she lives in newcastle like me :)
07-05-29 12:00:23
fezere2k6 ::: Favorites
dat was great i lyke nicola and she lives on my street tell me who you like tah xxheatherxx
07-05-29 05:03:37
bozinsbg ::: Favorites
07-05-28 20:38:50
ILoveTopman ::: Favorites
i LOVE this one!!
07-05-21 14:28:36
birdy295 ::: Favorites
thanks :D
07-04-27 11:25:16

木曜漫遊記 /防衛省・市ヶ谷台ツアー・4-3

Duration: 08:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-21 08:15:58
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 -平成19年9月20日号 ★平成19年9月20日 放送★ キャスター:高森明勅・芳賀優子 ■ 高森・芳賀の木曜漫遊記 「防衛省・市ヶ谷台ツアー」