Monday, December 10, 2007

Goldeneye Control LTK Part Two

Duration: 05:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-04 08:05:07
User: Greatermaxim
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Goldeneye  007  James  Bond  Control  LTK  Part  Two  


"James, could you be quieter? I can't hear myself think."



Doda (Virgin) - Katharsis karaoke

Duration: 04:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-22 09:23:19
User: brzesko123
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doda  virgin  dorota  rabczewska  karaoke  polskie  katharsis  


więcej na


mariusz000002 ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 16:05:41

super suepr suepr...!
YoungPunkGirl ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 12:55:30

;/ no niewiem czy takie super
linkittyy ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 14:44:13

oh meeeen... Zajebioza karaoke. Normalnie godzinami ślęczę i śpiewam sobie do tej nuty:D hehe... ale lepiej brzmi z Dodzią<3
iva483 ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 09:48:37

Fajne :) Spoko się śpiewa ^^
dzolanta93 ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 13:26:54

spoko!!! zarabista ^^
Kolno2007 ::: Favorites  2007-11-27 08:20:24

fajnie super suepr suepr...! oh meeeen... Zajebioza karaoke. Normalnie godzinami ślęczę i śpiewam sobie do tej nuty:D hehe... ale lepiej brzmi z Dodzią<3
Kolno2007 ::: Favorites  2007-11-27 08:24:46

super fajnie zrobione kocham Cię za to
nulkapepesexy ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 15:01:06

super super ! Uwielbiam karaoke! PzDr tworce! =)

Thievery Corporation - Richest Man in Babylon -

Duration: 04:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-13 22:37:03
User: FilmClix
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Thievery  Corporation  Richest  Man  Babylon  music  video  reggae  jazz  


Thievery Corporation - Richest Man in Babylon -



2 guys fighting while fob starts bragging

Duration: 02:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-02 00:04:25
User: Yazdi13
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fob  abcd  fight  amir  qasim  adil  washington  


Two ABCDs in a heated exchange while a FOB enters and starts bragging about his world travels.


greenfrog140 ::: Favorites  2007-07-02 05:50:14

craazy786 ::: Favorites  2007-07-02 09:17:12

Yazdi13 ::: Favorites  2007-07-04 15:45:53

I can't believe I said 'Militory' instead of 'Military', these fobs are rubbing off on me.
greenfrog140 ::: Favorites  2007-07-06 11:40:08

that was so funny!
gregoryzz ::: Favorites  2007-07-08 05:58:21

ur not a fucking fob! ur a fucking indian!!
Yazdi13 ::: Favorites  2007-07-25 23:24:16

Gregoryzz, you may take my life...but you'll never take my fobbinesssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!
professornizami ::: Favorites  2007-08-11 02:50:04

Nothin But a Dick Head lolz...
ibbytkd ::: Favorites  2007-09-03 21:09:52

lol not quite sure wots going on nor y.. but tis funny lol
akmnawab110 ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 01:03:31

khojas are funny!
theLyricsSuck621 ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 11:39:01

wow wth, like every 15 seconds another indian guy pops out
54M4LYF ::: Favorites  2007-11-21 11:25:38

u lots r gay
liamlykz69 ::: Favorites  2007-11-26 11:22:23

spot the white?
mattkeller7979 ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 14:41:09

so... basicly its a bunch of idiot mocking the US. Fat retarded guys...
metrocool1 ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 23:33:54

ya ugly boys fucking bitching arround and this motherfucker guy said he was true american lolzzzzzzz even though son of bitch knows where his dad was from and what his history was

2 Boys 1 Donut

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Reply to Fever103 Regarding Hospitals

Duration: 10:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-16 01:09:25
User: ichbinkeinberliner
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Regarding stays in psych hospitals


whatevVa18 ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 09:48:43

ur skin luks pink n glowing today! lighting effect I guess. :D
hellonasty98 ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 19:16:33

I totally agree with you. A mental "vacation"! LoL. :D
hell0hkitty ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 21:18:16

its time to get into hospital when you are a risk to yourself (suicidal ideation) or a risk to other people.
hell0hkitty ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 21:20:30

mental illness is not a character flaw or a character weakness! it is an ILLNESS like any other. have hope! take personal responsibility for your wellness, ask for advocacy, education about your illness, and get good supports!
TJay9000 ::: Favorites  2007-10-17 12:58:28

for some reason, i'm always scared i'm going to have a serious breakdown and end up in the hospital. i wonder why i worry about it so much =/
ichbinkeinberliner ::: Favorites  2007-10-17 13:23:01

You're right. We shouldn't worry about it so much. It isn't the end of the world, and we do get better, right?
fever103 ::: Favorites  2007-10-17 13:52:55

Thanks Ichi-B. That's my new name for you. JK I always love vid responses. I get so few. If I am put in a position where I am forced to go to a hospital. I will try to view it as a mental vacation. Thank you so much. Love Ya! :)
ichbinkeinberliner ::: Favorites  2007-10-17 14:01:54

hehe. I like the new nick. :) I'm glad you liked the vid. I'm going to make more for you from now on!! You'll get so sick of me...hehe. ;)
lindseycormier ::: Favorites  2007-10-18 01:47:08

Looking back, I actually didn't mind the hospital that much (after the meds finally kicked in.) The food was pretty good and cooked for me. I could socialize without feeling judged because it seemed like everyone there was in the same boat and dealing with their MI. I was forced to stop being a workaholic too.
glutamate23 ::: Favorites  2007-11-10 03:19:35

I'm fortunate enought to never have required to go to a psych ward. Your video about your stay in the psychiatry ward gives me an idea of what it is like in there. I have always wondered what it is like to be in one, and it is nice to hear the experience of someone who seems to have had a positive experience in a psych ward.

Ceza feat. Fuat - Holocaust Dj Mic Check (Sagopa Kajmer)

Duration: 03:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-10 05:34:00
User: SuleymanHilmi
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

Ceza  Fuat  Holocaust  Mic  Check  Sagopa  Kajmer  Live  TV8  Performans  Türkçe  Rap  Hiphop  


Ceza feat. Fuat - Holocaust Dj Mic Check (Sagopa Kajmer) Live TV8 Performans


sonerin ::: Favorites  2007-08-14 07:57:13

ulan bu sarkıda olmasa wryaa bu sarkıyıda fuat guzellestırıyo
baaaronn ::: Favorites  2007-08-16 11:21:36

fuat sen çık git ceza forever sagonun 10 parmağında 10 marifet aq helal!!!
sglkai3 ::: Favorites  2007-08-16 14:04:53

Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma microfon show !!!!
onlymozik ::: Favorites  2007-08-16 19:03:31

heheKadroya bak beah.şmdi bulsalar bi kaşık suda boğacaklar birbirlerini
rk1905 ::: Favorites  2007-08-19 22:07:47

Ceza nın anasına sövmeyin bea biraz sayılı olun rahmetli oldu annesi ! ayıp ayıp
yhayeter ::: Favorites  2007-08-23 07:18:53

LaN RAP'teN anLyN adamLrda qeLp burda yorum yapıo sikesm qeLyr o.çLrıNI!!!CeZA 1 NUMara hadi byby!!!
deliidumrul ::: Favorites  2007-08-24 16:16:49

ya ne kadar cahil insanlar var biraz mantıklı ve terbiyeli olunda herşeye küfredilmeyeceğini örenin işte bu türkçe rap beyenmiosan git ve ROCK dinle ben sagoda dinlerim kolerada dinlerim fuchs da dinlerim cezada dinlerim fuattda dinlerim herzman turkcerap ölene kadarda türkcerap olucak sevmiosan saygı duy bari...
sessizlik0212 ::: Favorites  2007-08-25 08:42:42

Sagopa herzamn süperde Cezada sagoya karışmadıgı zamn iyi Fuat ise tam bi mal
wongale21 ::: Favorites  2007-08-27 18:28:41

ceza & sago rapin babası fuat bi alt basamakta!
crazyedirne ::: Favorites  2007-08-28 05:48:09

harbi fuat cıksın ekranda yer kapliyor sagopa yeter :D
mCnazaR ::: Favorites  2007-08-29 07:38:51

back vokalsiz ceza bi pic:D
rockverap ::: Favorites  2007-08-29 12:19:26

cezanın kardşeini iskim
schmarich ::: Favorites  2007-09-01 05:37:31

süpersin ceza ilk defa bu kadar kötü bac vokal vermiş fuat Dj adamsın :D
llldddwe ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 03:46:51

abi rap dinliyorsanız 'ceza&nefret!'
DespotRap ::: Favorites  2007-09-06 03:55:07

ahh o eski günler bu da cezavılara bi cvp sagopa hep ön planda olmak istio dienler görsün adam ben bügün dj im dio...atlamıo ben sölicem illa die..cezanın anası mevzusuna gelince o milletin anasına babasına kayınca ii oluoda onun anasına gelince benim annem öldümü oluo o zman akıllı olacak kimsenin anansıan babasına sövmicek..!!

naruto true feelings about hinata

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-19 08:29:23
User: hajar13
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its funny.nothing against naruhina fans i just wanned to have funny fids on it .


inlove1733 ::: Favorites  2007-06-29 19:50:42

poor hinata... here's a picture of her face after what naruto said ---> T~T
Batgrl ::: Favorites  2007-07-01 03:24:25

lolz, I love this!
couchprincess2 ::: Favorites  2007-07-20 07:16:50

NARUTO YOU IDIOT GO APOLOGIZE NOW!!!! Naruto:Ok...just don't hurt me... Me:*says in a deathly voice* Say sorry NOW. Naruto:Hinata-chan I'm sorry for saying all that mean stuff!!!! Me:Good job Naruto ^ - ^ NaruHina Forever (good video)
hajar13 ::: Favorites  2007-07-20 08:18:31

lol this was anty hinanaru dudette. but thx for good rating A__A
couchprincess2 ::: Favorites  2007-07-20 08:20:06

i know but it's fun to make Naruto tremble ^ - ^
hajar13 ::: Favorites  2007-07-23 12:04:17

k lol
couchprincess2 ::: Favorites  2007-07-23 12:15:58

ichigoxryou2 ::: Favorites  2007-07-30 13:35:11

munster31593 ::: Favorites  2007-08-17 17:37:58

aww poor hina-chan DIE NARUTO DIE *naruto squeels in terror*
imlonelyboy ::: Favorites  2007-08-28 17:06:55

this vid is funny but i feel bad 4 hinata
narutouzumaki9879 ::: Favorites  2007-08-29 19:10:27

that was funny yet rude u F_CKER (no efence)*#$& U!!!!!! (no efence again) naruto and hinata forever!!!! not kiba and hinata kiba could just go down a well and never come out....
hajar13 ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 10:45:08

oh your evill!!! Bwahaha XP just joking. n__n but really hate hinanaru urgg.
narutouzumaki9879 ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 21:34:43

hahaha!!! thats funny, but i like naruhina and i kind of like kiba but i dont like him when he goes 4 hinata so sorry about the things i said on my other thing........and that the video was funny and that i give it a 100/5 but every1 gots 2 amit that was FUNNY!!!!!!!!!! well keep up the good work....:P
naruto768768 ::: Favorites  2007-09-09 10:39:42

woooh shit gagabuyyoooooo lol
itachi179 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 14:48:16


PS1 Dragon Quest/Warrior VII ラゴンクエスト TV CM #1 (1999)

Duration: 00:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-08 13:18:26
User: Nintega
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Teaser commercial for the first non-spinoff DQ in four years. Luckily for Americans, this actually came out 2 years later since JRPGs became more popular than ever in the US thanks to FFVII, but sadly this game sold badly in the west since so many people got spoiled by Square's FMV fests. The fact that this sold 4 million copies in Japan clearly shows that Japanese gamers are not graphics biased like westerners are.


alexjr2006 ::: Favorites  2006-07-08 13:32:40

lol this is a good movie. Watch my video, it's pretty cool, too. just type in american idiot (literally) in the search box and click on the first one. Once again, ur movie rox.
zzyzxjunior ::: Favorites  2006-08-15 01:24:55


end video for "i got bored and did this 3"

Duration: 01:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-19 02:14:42
User: phontomen
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:::: Top Videos of Day

gmod  things  


somethin i did


roadkill360 ::: Favorites  2007-03-30 16:24:03

WTF i loved all ur other videos and then ur last 1 is gonna b this i meen CMON!!!
aragorn224 ::: Favorites  2007-07-11 14:59:46

he means he'll vae a movie this will be the movies end

Other Video Blog Entries

Australia: QLD Settembre 07 (Buon Compleanno)
Baby I Love You - Jennifer Lopez (with lyrics)
Kingdom Hearts Episode 9
Janet Klein and Ian Whitcomb -- How Could Red Riding Hood
Rapid Hacker tutorial
March Madness - Horizon (Steve VS Frosty)
R A N D O M No.1
El Generico Music vid.
Buy Flannel Today
Sultan filmi ve Orhan Gencebay
Fireworks Finale
marine et son homme
Finley - Mai Più
Un tigan roman batut de un neamt
Shipwreck @ sound and fury 2007
Kill Devil Hills Vacation, Day 2
Taylor the Latte Boy
Death of a Jelly Baby
AH-64 Apache vs Taliban


Alvin and the Chipmunks - mk

Duration: 02:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-03 16:34:43
User: jawad4lyfe
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Alvin  and  the  Chipmunks  


Alvin and the Chipmunks


Other Video Blog Entries

Athlete "The Outsiders" (HMV instore 05/09/07)
Funk-R - Doomed to Crawl (in fruity loops)
rikardo & mandela 7pekados (ka100)
F 35 Lightning II
Dark Portal Hunter Pvp
Rivaldo's hat-trick (last game of the 2000-01 season)
Naruto episode 18 english 3/3
Typhoon - MusicCore.070714
hot sauce vs me
HAZU[刃頭] feat. Ill-BOSSTINO a.k.a BOSS THE MC - NORAINU[野良犬]
wolfs rain *spoof*
Evan Singing Home
Brand New @nd Crazy-Lil' Wayne- Outstanding
drunken monkey e
Happy Birthday Mom: Workers Expanded
White And Nerdy-A Kabuto "Tribute"
Funniest Comedian tours China: Foot massage lying with girl
A Few Of Goulet's Favourite Things



Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-25 20:23:33
User: lunar52
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christmas  Blog  Cool  Wow  Amazing  Awesome  


This is a video blog about my christmas day!


yt4dummies ::: Favorites  2007-01-03 00:58:59

dude! An ipod NANO .. lucky! ya gotta do a vid about it!

Other Video Blog Entries

Naruto Medley
love will lead you back (clear version)- kyla
Some quotes just for fun
Enigma "Shadows in Silence"
Def Leppard - Love Bites
Ball & Chain - Woodstock '69
prison ministry
GR8 Times
ナルト AMV
New Found Glory - Sincerely Me (bass)
Adalaide's Lament
Avril Lavigne drunk (borracha)!
interveiw video pawn the movie
Aron kader- STANDUP!!! (full vers.) PART 2
Survivors - Heaven (Jens O Remix)
Super Mario RPG Opening
Peyton sawyer