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Duration: 28:49 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-02 17:32:11 User: peakmoment :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Peak Moment 60: Richard Katz and Dennis Brumm burst the technofix dream-bubble by naming the hard stuff: the lack of sufficient alternatives to oil and gas at the enormous scale needed. Overpopulation exceeding the planet's carrying capacity. Potential collapse. But wait! they close with ideas for positive individual responses. [www.sfbayoil.org/sfoa] |
Comments | |
peakmoment ::: Favorites Most independent petroleum geologists don't see sufficient reserves of quality oil going beyond 2030 or so (see Peak Moment with Richard Heinberg on "Peak Oil, Peak Coal and Beyond." Even if we did, would we want to burn it all and seal our global warming fate, which could make the planet unfit for life? 07-09-11 23:37:50 __________________________________________________ | |
pill1pill2 ::: Favorites Thousands of years of untapped oil left in the earth. We haven't tapped the gulf reserve yet. 07-09-11 20:53:05 __________________________________________________ | |
sas331 ::: Favorites Thomas Malthus was right -- just about 200 hundred years ahead of the pack. It is no accident that the human population has exploded in direct proportion to our ability to efficiently harness cheap energy, i.e., OIL. Now that we have reached PEAK OIL, and available cheap energy is becoming increasingly scarce, the population will begin to DIE OFF. 07-08-17 00:45:17 __________________________________________________ | |
peakmoment ::: Favorites How right you are: and isn't it a miracle that we can know we're part of the miracle? I think your wife has suggested a valuable use for fear, if we can not be stopped by it but use it to listen more deeply. Thank you for sharing a deeper level of response to "bad news", to move beyond our fears and see what response arise. I think you would appreciate the new film "What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire." 07-08-13 00:02:11 __________________________________________________ | |
qf6ck ::: Favorites Life is a miracle. Our fears do not matter, as the miracle is not our own. We are part of it. It will continue no matter what we fear or say. My wife added that the fear will make us listen for the ideas that will come. We will have what we need. 07-08-12 18:56:28 __________________________________________________ | |
peakmoment ::: Favorites There is fear that is wise--like when you don't put your fingers in a flame. Then there's fear that's fabricated, like the current American federal administration is promulgating. Increasing human population in a planet of finite resources has a known end -- population will get reduced to a sustainable level. The question is - will we find "humane" solutions that minimize suffering, or will nature do the reduction? Remember - Nature Bats Last. 07-08-12 18:38:01 __________________________________________________ | |
qf6ck ::: Favorites These guys are afraid. They fear we have painted ourselves into a corner. They want us to be afraid, too. The truth is that fear will blind us to the solutions we find every day. Take heart. We will find a solution. 07-08-11 07:13:56 __________________________________________________ | |
oreolvrs ::: Favorites very entertaining 07-07-15 02:45:06 __________________________________________________ | |
peakmoment ::: Favorites Check out the piece by Paul Chefurka called "Peak Oil, Carrying Capacity and Overshoot: Population, the Elephant in the Room" on his website 3dub dot paulchefurka dot ca 07-07-07 18:04:06 __________________________________________________ | |
dbrumm ::: Favorites The scale of what we've done with the condensed sunlight of 200-300 million years cannot be replaced by any of the so-called alternatives. We already are risking our food supply just to experiment with this. I suggest going to globalpublicmedia dot com and search for "myths of biofuels." 07-06-14 16:13:45 __________________________________________________ | |
dbrumm ::: Favorites Let's assume "we have plenty of green energy is we ever wanted to go get it," which I personally don't believe. How long would this last in our eternal growth economic model? We would still soon reach a point where we could not produce enough. The amount of petroleum energy we used in the United States last year was greater than the energy captured by the plants in the US. (part 1 of 2) 07-06-14 16:10:47 __________________________________________________ | |
greyflcn ::: Favorites We have plenty of green energy is we ever wanted to go get it. greyfalcon. net/ energy.png You don't NEED oil to power our cars. Can charge electric cars in 1 minute and drive 100 miles off it. greyfalcon. net/ quickcharge greyfalcon. net/ quickcharge3 BLEH Hydrogen greyfalcon. net/ hydrogen4.png BLEH Ethanol greyfalcon. net/ peaksoil greyfalcon. net/ soy2 BLEH BioDiesel greyfalcon. net/ palmoil greyfalcon. net/ soy5 greyfalcon. net/ soy BLEH Algae greyfalcon. net/ algae 07-06-11 23:36:08 __________________________________________________ | |
nathan49nathan ::: Favorites Congratulations: finally talking about overpopulation and earth's carrying capacity. Problem: still rambling. In general, people choosing to watch these don't need to be convinced that there is a looming crisis that big government and big corporations are ignoring and denying. They need practical steps. "What can I do," should be the primary structure for these interviews. 07-06-10 12:45:00 __________________________________________________ | |
DFORCE1969 ::: Favorites A timely and sobering discussion of the kind you won't hear on mainstream ,corporate US TV;The beginning of the end of the global-capitailist oil driven world exploitative system? Hopefully! 07-06-05 21:04:52 __________________________________________________ |
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Elephant in the Peak Oil Living Room
Ana y Manuel
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Duration: 11:47 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-18 18:53:21 User: LuisMartin :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Cuando Ana es abandonada por Manuel, a ella no se le ocurre nada mejor que sustituirle por... un gran perro... con mucho pelo... y una boca enorme... Un enternecedor cortometraje de Manuel Calvo que ha cosechado un buen número de premios. Está protagonizado por la preciosa Elena Anaya ("Alatriste", "Lucía y el sexo", "Miguel y William", "Entre mujeres", "Lágrimas negras", "Van Helsing", "Hable con ella", "Sin noticias de Dios", "Rencor") y por el carismático Diego Martín ("Días de fútbol", "Aquí no hay quien viva", "Días de cine"). |
Comments | |
afracaju ::: Favorites Que que??? Que bueno? Tio, pero que hablas.....Absolutamente predecible. Extremadamente rosa. Si no es porque la cara de Elena Anaya es hermosa como es el film es una mierda.... 07-08-23 14:27:41 __________________________________________________ | |
lauripaige ::: Favorites Que bueno,me ha encantado. 07-08-15 13:45:09 __________________________________________________ | |
DIVINA773 ::: Favorites Excelente video!!! Tengo a mi perro enfermo en el hospital y si cuando uno no los tienen como hacen falta. Ellos te apoyan y te quieren mucho mas que los miles de novios que pueda uno tener. 07-08-03 19:41:28 __________________________________________________ | |
gabitcia ::: Favorites muy bien hecho. Muy tierno 07-07-25 10:06:44 __________________________________________________ | |
eljuanpa20 ::: Favorites muy bueno! 07-07-18 16:04:03 __________________________________________________ | |
princezita25 ::: Favorites wow!!! muy lindo... no hay mucho que decir... simplemente me dejo sin palabras... esta muuy lindo 07-07-09 20:25:58 __________________________________________________ | |
digitalcorona ::: Favorites muy chuli , como amelie 07-06-30 04:50:01 __________________________________________________ | |
manumateos ::: Favorites No sólo es bueno el corto en sí, sino la realización del mismo. Unos planos muy buenos, movimientos que quizás sean de Steadycam en el momento adecuado, iluminación correcta y un sonido que va mucho con las imágenes, la verdad que hasta alguna transición (como la de al abrir la puerta del piso) como detalles (como el de la gota en la ventana del coche) me parecen inmejorables. Por mi parte teneis un voto de 5 puntos! Salu2! 07-06-07 16:32:33 __________________________________________________ | |
Ich1984 ::: Favorites simplemente... precioso! 07-06-07 15:47:00 __________________________________________________ | |
pamlok ::: Favorites io no puedo mas que decir que esta cabronsisisisimo buenas tomas buena historia y una excelente actriz... 07-05-20 05:34:06 __________________________________________________ |
christina aquilera - hurt
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Duration: 04:17 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-28 11:07:50 User: naomiverbiesen :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: clips |
Comments | |
gowiemeister ::: Favorites OUTSTANDING! 07-09-13 06:25:50 __________________________________________________ | |
jumhadi ::: Favorites i like this song....so touching...sad...and feel... 07-09-13 02:43:28 __________________________________________________ | |
aznskoogyrl ::: Favorites this gave me major chills 07-09-13 00:06:16 __________________________________________________ | |
oOoladyblackmetalxXx ::: Favorites Among all the child stars, she has a unique voice and excellent skills... truly amazing performance 07-09-12 18:40:52 __________________________________________________ | |
ichliebegeige ::: Favorites I LOVE the way the orchestra appears at stage!! :O 07-09-11 20:03:31 __________________________________________________ | |
davidboreanazishot ::: Favorites OMG!!! i have been watched this vid for 5 months now, she is truly inspirational!! Now some people may not like her singing (which thats just weird!) but u have to admit she can sing!!!! She is one of the best singers of this time!!! 07-09-11 19:24:20 __________________________________________________ | |
charger26 ::: Favorites oh my fucking god!!!! 07-09-11 02:43:58 __________________________________________________ | |
charlishephard ::: Favorites a truly inspirational performance. 07-09-10 17:45:09 __________________________________________________ | |
dioncdotcom ::: Favorites haha. just chill, dude! jesus christ! 07-09-09 20:07:58 __________________________________________________ | |
321654987asdfghjkl ::: Favorites your right shes amazing BUT get a lfe dont swear god name in vain jese you should know that already 07-09-09 15:27:08 __________________________________________________ |
Hexstatic - Ninja Tune
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Duration: 05:04 minutes Upload Time: 06-06-28 22:26:22 User: tonycologne :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: NIIIINJAAAAA! |
Comments | |
Long23 ::: Favorites Gordon, Tony, Ringo, Donald...all good Ninja names. 07-09-13 04:39:25 __________________________________________________ | |
Deadfreeeak ::: Favorites Hey ....Orly pretty cool eh !! 07-09-12 10:26:45 __________________________________________________ | |
edkopytko ::: Favorites i love it 07-09-01 13:48:44 __________________________________________________ | |
geerlings105 ::: Favorites 2:35 --> is the best beat of the song. 07-08-14 03:21:17 __________________________________________________ | |
Grooveraider ::: Favorites That was hot! 07-07-06 15:57:03 __________________________________________________ | |
bohabb ::: Favorites I tell ya, with out those headbands I'd never have guessed they were Ninja. 07-07-03 22:48:27 __________________________________________________ | |
savedxsoul ::: Favorites hahah.... only asians should be allowed to wear those.... it just dosnt look rite 07-06-16 23:05:19 __________________________________________________ | |
industreal ::: Favorites This is a Greg Nuom film from 1977. The music is Captain & Tennille. . I know.. Because I was there. 07-06-02 03:24:15 __________________________________________________ | |
Torcafol ::: Favorites The film must be called Challenge the Ninja, I suppose. In the eighties there was a film company in Hong Kong wich produced a lot of ninja films like this, with Richard Harrison as main character. He was an actor who had his time in Holywood and then in Italy. All informations can be read on the website Nanarland, all in french ... 07-05-16 14:51:58 __________________________________________________ | |
dctim ::: Favorites who's the actor at 2:00? I really recognise him from somewhere? 07-05-13 16:17:09 __________________________________________________ |
P0ke N Die™ PK Video 1 - Thunder (Part 1)
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Duration: 10:52 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-21 20:23:00 User: Cdaly2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Yes its true! P0ke N Dies first official PK Video has been released! Special thanks to - olorz My IRC Channel - #Calamity My Site - http://www.calamity.co.nr Download Link - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=82AQMSE3 -----Reviews----- "Absolutely amazing" - P0ke N Die2 "I was bored just loading the page" - Daily Mirror "What the fuck is a pk video" - Bill Clinton "What does this have to do with star wars" - Some guy called Henry |
Comments | |
sjefo1 ::: Favorites Hi. Im quitting rs. Seeing as i want to reach out to as many Runescape players as possible, i'm going from forum to forum posting a quicklink to my post on the official runescape boards. You may have seen this post on Pure community, Runescape community, Runescape divine forces, damaged incorporated and violent resolution boards. _RS-Forumlink.i67.org_ If you've seen this on other boards, feel free to comment here as well. 07-09-12 12:05:17 __________________________________________________ | |
wendler5 ::: Favorites love the close ins. 5/5 07-09-11 00:49:29 __________________________________________________ | |
doobweeon ::: Favorites whoa! you close in on all ur a bunch of specs =P great vid 07-09-10 20:20:18 __________________________________________________ | |
f1r3st4r ::: Favorites no p0ke u have 4 accts.. p0ke2, p0ke, sniped, an ur main 07-09-10 18:47:08 __________________________________________________ | |
bambam0115 ::: Favorites Great vid add me..tzhaar_kezk gl in future pking ;) 07-09-05 15:55:29 __________________________________________________ | |
Cdaly2 ::: Favorites I got 3 accounts 07-09-05 11:31:24 __________________________________________________ | |
rolingman ::: Favorites wtf how many accounts u got bro? 07-09-05 10:43:42 __________________________________________________ | |
r0cki3tb ::: Favorites OU HAVE A MYSPACE? 07-09-03 13:38:43 __________________________________________________ | |
deathboy1333 ::: Favorites its a hunk of shitttt 07-09-03 01:38:46 __________________________________________________ | |
pkcfc ::: Favorites song at 4:36? 07-09-02 08:23:30 __________________________________________________ |
Captain Planet- Ma-Ti is kicked out of the team
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Duration: 03:56 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-03 19:59:04 User: Cataphract :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Kwami and the other planeteers decide that Ma-Ti isn't pulling his weight and that his "power of heart" is useless. This clip appears in my live stage show "The adventures of the man with the Dominant Claw" touring in SYdney Adelaide Parramatta dn Melbourne. http://www.dominantclaw.com, |
Comments | |
amiomaru ::: Favorites Heart is Life Dumb PPL 07-09-12 02:35:52 __________________________________________________ | |
KeithNecrons ::: Favorites im pretty sure sauron would control captain planet cause he has the one ring 07-09-11 12:04:51 __________________________________________________ | |
Holyeoce ::: Favorites "mati" means die in Malay language 07-09-10 02:46:22 __________________________________________________ | |
ultimatefan ::: Favorites what kind of power is heart?!?! lmfao 07-09-09 14:01:17 __________________________________________________ | |
pacfan4life ::: Favorites i agree heart is weak!! 07-09-09 07:46:22 __________________________________________________ | |
boxa1500 ::: Favorites ROFL the kid always was useless 07-09-04 22:34:44 __________________________________________________ | |
SilverMetallix ::: Favorites LOL! "What kind of a power is heart?" Why didn't they give Ma-ti thunder as his power? I mean thunder would have been like all the other powers and it would be cool to use against people 07-09-03 02:57:53 __________________________________________________ | |
NyuHatter ::: Favorites jajaja poor Mati, he faced the truth XD 07-09-01 17:44:48 __________________________________________________ | |
quietchina ::: Favorites so harsh but funny at the same time 07-09-01 03:33:33 __________________________________________________ | |
alienatari ::: Favorites id rather be able to talk to animals. that would pretty fucking sweet. 07-08-31 23:03:08 __________________________________________________ |
Stupid driver drives into garage
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Duration: 00:23 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-03 05:07:16 User: cop9583 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: There must be a woman behind the wheel of this car!!! |
Comments | |
meatloaf427 ::: Favorites man (s)he is stupid 07-07-11 20:37:31 __________________________________________________ | |
Darkvinyl ::: Favorites Uhhh, no. The guy was motioning to the right, quite clearly in fact. In addition to that, he also gave the driver the "no go" sign when things were about to go wrong, the driver also happened to be going far too fast. 07-07-10 05:46:21 __________________________________________________ | |
KASUALKILLAS ::: Favorites you guys are calling him a "mechanic"?? I worked at one of those place for 2 weeks about 7 years ago. they are not mechanics, you don't even need a GED!! 07-06-08 00:38:34 __________________________________________________ | |
monki600 ::: Favorites damn.., that gotta hurt 07-05-19 19:30:36 __________________________________________________ | |
xCherrytasticx ::: Favorites He should of drove slowly lol. 07-05-15 03:58:39 __________________________________________________ | |
GoriIIamatic ::: Favorites naw, the mechanic guy was doing his thumb to the right. When the driver accelerated, he gave em the "no go" sign....but the jerk kept on driving. 07-04-23 23:34:10 __________________________________________________ | |
CalmRage1 ::: Favorites wonder how long it took to get it out! this fits right into my channel theme about different kind of road rage! hehehehe 07-04-12 16:44:10 __________________________________________________ | |
cronicpower ::: Favorites chinese for sure 07-04-10 17:49:38 __________________________________________________ | |
dmbry ::: Favorites Right. Because so many women work in garages. 07-04-06 04:50:53 __________________________________________________ | |
blazian1011 ::: Favorites wth was that song 07-03-29 21:17:00 __________________________________________________ |
Smallville - Clana - "Better Than Me" by Hinder
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Duration: 04:40 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-17 21:16:38 User: SVfan4evr :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Another clana music video to the song "Better Than Me" by Hinder. I heard the song and thought of making a video so tell me what you think. Comments are appreciated |
Comments | |
smallville500 ::: Favorites this video kicks ass,sad song and video but still great. 07-09-12 20:18:41 __________________________________________________ | |
twsgurl77 ::: Favorites that song matches them, awesome job! i am putting it in my favs. 07-09-11 08:59:32 __________________________________________________ | |
XtinaNAliciaNpink ::: Favorites Very good video u done really well...its a bit sad coz i love clana lol but it was really good 07-09-10 00:15:24 __________________________________________________ | |
khelenk ::: Favorites amazing videos... 07-09-09 17:35:01 __________________________________________________ | |
ivasilic ::: Favorites Oh, this video is wonderful. The song, the videos you have used and how you have put them together is beautiful. Great composition of 'present' and 'thoughts'. Great job. Wish Lana and Clark would have been more together... 07-09-07 05:13:02 __________________________________________________ | |
ivasilic ::: Favorites But remember the truck that was passing by?? She probably got in it and not in the car. Who knows, we will see it on September 27th, or later (if we do not have CW and are not from the USA) :( 07-09-07 05:06:08 __________________________________________________ | |
lukereborn ::: Favorites clana is clark+lana 07-09-01 14:42:34 __________________________________________________ | |
BethiiBoo2nv ::: Favorites who is clana...???????? 07-09-01 03:11:57 __________________________________________________ | |
tomwelling4eva ::: Favorites good vid!! 07-08-30 05:08:09 __________________________________________________ | |
LucasScott89 ::: Favorites Lana aint dead :)if u dont belive me go and check form some spoiler site(spoilerfixDOTcom). 07-08-27 12:05:03 __________________________________________________ |
PHOBIC - Episode 101: The Pilot - One Tree Hill Series
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Duration: 05:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-21 01:37:42 User: brookelucasorg :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: PHOBIC Episode 101 - The Pilot Note: This episode does not have opening credits. Episode Description: "IT STARTS AT THE END" - The boys take part in a scrimmage basketball game down at the river court. Peyton Sawyer, who just recently returned home, keeps a close eye on ex-boyfriend/father of her child, Jake Jageliski. During Peyton's absence, best friend, Brooke Davis found herself growing increasingly close to Jake. Meanwhile, Lucas becomes more and more protective over Haley. The Story: Jake and Brooke go on their first official date. They share a night to remember and a kiss neither will forget. Peyton Sawyer left for an internship right after her daughter was born. This left Jake minus one mother and with his new born daughter, Jenny. Upset by the fact that Peyton left they decided to call a quits to their relationship. Now Peyton has come home and is ready to do what it takes to get her family back. Lucas and Haley have been best friends for years. However, Haley's new relationship with bad boy Nathan prompts Lucas to look at her in a different light. Nathan attempts to take advantage of Haley. This leads Haley right into the arms of Lucas. Lucas, enraged by what Haley told him, kidnaps and fights Nathan. Haley, Brooke, and Peyton witness this as they drive by. Peyton drives both Lucas and Nathan home. Music By: No Sleep Tonight - The Faders Collide - Howie Day Empty Apartment - Yellowcard |
Comments | |
watch0me0watch0you ::: Favorites Awesomee! I lovee it! What episode is it from like 3.01 - 3.09? 07-09-12 03:59:47 __________________________________________________ | |
illygirl ::: Favorites I loved it, great job! 07-08-23 08:35:48 __________________________________________________ | |
loveujake ::: Favorites nicely done vid...thanks 07-08-05 19:42:28 __________________________________________________ | |
othfan12345 ::: Favorites loved it 07-07-30 12:02:37 __________________________________________________ | |
brookelucasorg ::: Favorites LOL....I am actually playing it by ear on who rolls with who but knowing me...brucas always end up together someway or another :P 07-07-27 16:38:03 __________________________________________________ | |
forblueskies89 ::: Favorites love it! so clever i hope it ends up a brucas though - but knowing you it will be :p 07-07-26 13:28:24 __________________________________________________ | |
PunkNDisorderly3 ::: Favorites Aww This Is Really Good & Clever =) 07-07-23 15:36:12 __________________________________________________ | |
OneTreeHillshow ::: Favorites my one of the top 5 favorite episode 07-07-21 02:21:46 __________________________________________________ |
Feed the Animals Acoustic "Opiate" Cover
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Duration: 05:14 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-22 23:31:39 User: thedentongarage :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Feed the Animals acoustic performance of Tool's "Opiate" |
Comments | |
italianguy21 ::: Favorites This is better then that fagot ass Fred Durst covering TOOL.Its pretty bad when a band made up of two guys you never heard of play a song better then someone who actually sold album..only god knows why Limp Shrimpdick sold anythinng.I think these guys sound like a mix of Incubus and TOOL not bad at all. 07-09-09 06:20:19 __________________________________________________ | |
itszak33 ::: Favorites these guys are the shit. they are my friends and the music they do is great. check it out feed the animals. its on myspace. 07-08-26 07:58:40 __________________________________________________ | |
thedentongarage ::: Favorites Thats what he says the first time, but like I mentioned before, he changed the second "rape you" and added his own improve line. 07-08-15 19:04:49 __________________________________________________ | |
FaFeeFu ::: Favorites actually fuck face its 'he has needs, like i do, we both want to rape you' dont listen to people trying to correct you who blatantly dont have a clue what they're talking about! 07-08-14 23:00:21 __________________________________________________ | |
thedentongarage ::: Favorites Once again, this is an interpolation of the original, since it is acoustic, there are going to be slight lyrical differences. If you want to hear it lyric for lyric listen to the original. By the way, I have seen more live concerts than u ever will, both of national and local artists. And their own lyrics to their live songs, never exactly match their recorded ones, so get over it. 07-07-25 18:30:29 __________________________________________________ | |
Terminxman ::: Favorites Nevermind, I thought it was good for the first few lines until you fucked up half of the lyrics. 07-07-25 00:37:59 __________________________________________________ | |
Terminxman ::: Favorites WoW, this is the first Tool cover I have EVER heard that was actually good. 07-07-25 00:36:43 __________________________________________________ | |
Brujerio ::: Favorites someone should strap Fred Durst to a chair and force him to see this video, while raping him in the ass, so he can see what a tool cover is supposed to sound like ..............ahaahaha 07-07-16 12:29:31 __________________________________________________ | |
CallumJ ::: Favorites Fucking. Kick. Ass. Awesome vocals as well as everything else. Nice one 07-07-09 14:08:21 __________________________________________________ | |
Brujerio ::: Favorites GREAT!!HE HAS THE SAME VOICE!! 07-06-28 14:33:47 __________________________________________________ |
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Halo Mod 2 -jessrocked
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Duration: 03:04 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-31 05:38:14 User: jessrocked :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This video contains Various Mods. This is my Second GTA:Halo Mod If you have questions, just comment. |
Comments | |
philipori12 ::: Favorites lol random 07-09-12 16:30:34 __________________________________________________ | |
shadowslicer0 ::: Favorites is this a halo mod for vice city or a vice city mod halo 07-09-12 00:22:23 __________________________________________________ | |
Darklordant ::: Favorites Any chance on telling us music? PM me. 07-09-11 17:06:00 __________________________________________________ | |
Ricky2442 ::: Favorites good video but i got bored of same explostions after 2 mins 07-09-11 15:29:46 __________________________________________________ | |
jp767777 ::: Favorites lol look like GTF got moded XD 07-09-10 19:31:06 __________________________________________________ | |
Zezima12356 ::: Favorites i saw twin towers! :) 07-09-09 23:06:00 __________________________________________________ | |
mrstaypuft12396 ::: Favorites how do u get a basketball 07-09-09 19:51:15 __________________________________________________ | |
OtherSpartin ::: Favorites hey umcan theses mods b used on the xbox version 07-09-06 19:51:19 __________________________________________________ | |
ultima5002 ::: Favorites where did you get the shield and does it do anything 07-09-03 21:49:51 __________________________________________________ | |
AfroPride82 ::: Favorites Awesome check out my Mod of San Andreas when I put the finishing edits. 07-09-03 14:20:52 __________________________________________________ |
The View Audition Tapes - Shannon Ayers Impressions
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Duration: 03:11 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-19 05:15:14 User: tiaayers :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Now that Rosie O'Donnell has announced she is leaving ABC's "The View" at the end of 2007, tons of audition tapes for her potential replacement are already pouring in. Starring Shannon Ayers. Directed & Edited by Tia Ayers. Written by Shannon & Tia Ayers. www.tiaayers.com |
Comments | |
minzakuke ::: Favorites wow you're amazing :) 07-08-04 13:40:04 __________________________________________________ | |
teecrews ::: Favorites seriously great jennifer aniston. 07-07-27 00:34:07 __________________________________________________ | |
aerialspring ::: Favorites the voices are great :P 07-07-03 21:26:19 __________________________________________________ | |
dduuddzz ::: Favorites dis wud be my 1st time ever making a comment..just wanna say dis two are the most under rated youtubers.. you two are great!!! kudos!! 07-07-03 10:50:13 __________________________________________________ | |
Novaheart1998 ::: Favorites Very good! I laughed out loud for a change. You're Drew is wicked good. -- off topic, you are a hotty :P 07-07-02 06:05:55 __________________________________________________ | |
Lukie99 ::: Favorites That drew barrymore was PerFeCT! 07-07-01 02:32:19 __________________________________________________ | |
ryansdi ::: Favorites Tia and Shannon rock! 07-06-01 22:28:17 __________________________________________________ | |
directoREi ::: Favorites I love the DREW! 07-05-08 05:29:27 __________________________________________________ | |
tiaayers ::: Favorites Thanks! 07-05-06 03:33:48 __________________________________________________ | |
streetofgold ::: Favorites Your Ellen Pompeo is also dead on! 07-05-05 09:16:42 __________________________________________________ |
real demon caught on video
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Duration: 00:56 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-03 23:52:54 User: jaymusseato :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: I was investigating what I thought to be a bear that was getting into our garbage outside the apartment complex. Instead a demon-like apparition was caught on film! This is the scariest thing I've experienced ever in my life & my neighbor was an eyewitness to it! |
Comments | |
renos86 ::: Favorites dude if that isn't a mask from starwars i don't know what is... and searching for bears at night? what the hell? lol 07-09-13 07:11:22 __________________________________________________ | |
Thurak03 ::: Favorites lol 07-09-12 23:28:22 __________________________________________________ | |
MarialB6 ::: Favorites Hi GuyZ i just got into my new dorm room i am a FreShmAn in CoLLegE. I am pretty lonely here, i don't know any guys yet and i have needs. I made a video of myself shaking my butt and boobs in my dorm room if u feel like checking it out its in my youtube profile. Anyways HoLLa at me if U wannA hook uP someTimE and ChiLL Love Ya p.s. tell me if you think my body is good i know my face isnt too great 07-09-12 20:40:31 __________________________________________________ | |
smalljinx ::: Favorites That one must of had spikes in it. 07-09-12 16:34:22 __________________________________________________ | |
owlwolfangel ::: Favorites ahhh its the homeless guy from down the road 07-09-12 04:18:26 __________________________________________________ | |
animegod15 ::: Favorites really? I didn't see that coming. 07-09-11 19:30:34 __________________________________________________ | |
DianaMedina19 ::: Favorites Because that guy is looking for a suicide... (Which is a death wish) 07-09-11 14:40:15 __________________________________________________ | |
DianaMedina19 ::: Favorites gaydudesrule lol, thats just funny 07-09-11 14:38:15 __________________________________________________ | |
robgill123 ::: Favorites hahahahahaha! is this vid fake, eh, do bears shit in the woods? lol 07-09-11 13:58:58 __________________________________________________ | |
vincent78562003 ::: Favorites lol that made me laugh 07-09-10 22:28:54 __________________________________________________ |
t.A.T.u. All the things she said in Guadalajara, Mexico.
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Duration: 03:26 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-30 20:13:47 User: Andreagtzr :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: All the things she said. We got what we wanted..a kiss!! =) Click the next URL, is a Game Yulia and Lena played with us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icOhUAmu-ek |
Comments | |
kylliablades ::: Favorites WOW!!!!!!!! Awesomeeeeee!!!!!! I love then!!!!! 07-08-21 04:42:57 __________________________________________________ | |
raveonpragha ::: Favorites Esta fue la unica ciudad en su gira en la que se besaron, probablemnete por que Guadalajara se presta mucho para esas cosas. COOL! 07-08-06 03:43:47 __________________________________________________ | |
AlphardKusligt ::: Favorites I'll never forget this concert! Fue uno de los mejores en los que he estado. Se habían apagado las luces y regresaron para cantar All the things she said! :O Amo a estas chicas ^^ 07-07-07 11:32:19 __________________________________________________ | |
FagtasticMalchik ::: Favorites Do you have more from this concert? 07-07-03 00:39:39 __________________________________________________ | |
coopaboi ::: Favorites Is it me or is Lena out of tune every time she sings??/ I'm sure she lings in a lower tune...anyway still a great vid! 07-05-24 04:56:12 __________________________________________________ | |
EeoutofmymindEe ::: Favorites q lindo ... wow so cute of them tatu rocks ... they did kiss !! 07-05-19 23:55:16 __________________________________________________ | |
coopaboi ::: Favorites wow the crowds reaction with such a small kiss was huge! I find it funny that when they used to kiss " on contract" the crowd didn't really go mad because there was no REAL feelings in them. But when they kiss nowadays the crowd goes crazy because t.A.T.u. are doing it by their own will. They said they are too old to kiss and wear short skirts now...girls...that's what made you...please don't give it up! 07-04-19 14:27:17 __________________________________________________ | |
kotikatu ::: Favorites They are the fucking best . i wnet to thei konsert last summer (l) 07-04-11 14:25:21 __________________________________________________ | |
kotikatu ::: Favorites <33 <33 <33 <33 <33 07-04-02 17:44:33 __________________________________________________ | |
wizzyB ::: Favorites hahaha yulia always gets her kiss no matta wot XD 07-03-25 11:46:02 __________________________________________________ |