Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Me Singing S.O.S (Rescue Me) by Rihanna

Duration: 277 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-11 08:17:20
User: MorenikeSings
:::: Favorites

Me singing s.o.s

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CattyHolly ::: Favorites
I love ur voice! and the music!! ;p
07-07-11 08:56:15
MorenikeSings ::: Favorites
Thank you CattyHolly! :-) I'll be singing lots more!
07-07-30 16:57:24
honeybunny3541 ::: Favorites
good job!!! u got a great personality
07-07-16 17:34:45
MorenikeSings ::: Favorites
Thanks honeybunny, you're so nice to me! :D
07-07-30 16:58:03
14jessikah14 ::: Favorites
i wish i was as good as you look at my videos and leave me a coment keep in mind im 13
07-07-18 01:37:14
louiedom ::: Favorites
that was asome i love u
07-07-18 11:35:32
MorenikeSings ::: Favorites
Lol! Thank you! :)
07-07-30 16:58:45
louiedom ::: Favorites
yea it was good next americas idol but y do you look tord the door
07-07-30 21:52:05
solounsueno07 ::: Favorites
Sweetie you need voice lessons. With some training you could really be good. Good Luck
07-07-18 22:00:31
xLauraaaaaa ::: Favorites
it's good !
07-07-26 08:38:39
Sweetancute4 ::: Favorites
Omg that's really good.
07-07-28 23:26:35
gary42484 ::: Favorites
hey morenike...its gary42484 from the never again video page. i'm so sorry about all that crap that went on. you can sing very good and that guy is a real trip. i saw you deleted our argument and i'm sorry it happened on your page but someone had to put him in his place. he bashed me, you, and many others. thank you for deleting the argument and keep doing what you are doing. gary
07-07-31 06:58:02
MorenikeSings ::: Favorites
Thanks for standing up to her, she was really mean. :)Her channel says she is, "a loser and proud of it" :-/ I guess she has nothing better to do then to bash everyone through the computer.
07-07-31 07:20:56
gary42484 ::: Favorites
you are welcome hon. yeah she's a loser. a bitch is more like it lol. she's just jealous. does she have any singing videos up by any chance?
07-07-31 12:32:04

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