Monday, July 30, 2007

Major media buzz on Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers

Duration: 81 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-06 15:01:24
User: bravenewfilms
:::: Favorites
Description: A compilation of major media buzz on the new documentary 'Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers'

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Soultrash ::: Favorites
Wait, Didn't Truman warn America for the industrial-military complex over 50 years ago? Whoa, Americans are SLOW. Or bad at history.
07-03-06 21:16:33
MediaSpinner ::: Favorites
Heh-heh... most historians cite Eisenhower for the Military-Industrial Complex term and warning, not Truman. Unfortunately there are too many sad, greedy little individuals with not enough guts or resources to turn their backs on working for weapons manufacturers.
07-03-12 09:37:08
b9keith ::: Favorites
Support S. 687 [109th]: Software Principles Yielding Better Levels of Consumer Knowledge Act A bill to regulate the unauthorized installation of computer software, to require clear disclosure to computer users of certain computer software features that may pose a threat to user privacy, and for other purposes. Call your senator NOW!!!
07-03-29 16:48:49
borgersbrent ::: Favorites
Us americans are your last chance for freedom. I'd show some respect. google codex alementarius.
07-05-10 23:16:09
mossydog ::: Favorites
I wonder how the right wing wackos will try to spin this. Hey trolls waiting to hear from you. Come on you traitorous slime, tell us what leftists we are and how patriotic you are. Nevermind the facts freaks just trot out the usual blather that you heard from O'reilly, Limpballs, Dobson, or Farwell.
07-05-11 11:15:27
Galvatron7 ::: Favorites
lol gtf outta here
07-05-11 11:23:46
mgo1954 ::: Favorites
We can all thank the people who have built the Internet to what it is now. Our very own Big Brother. I say that in a loving way, if we did not have the internet the Bush and Cheny Company would have got away with these crimes. Thank you to all the brilliant minds who gave birth to our own big brother. I say Impeach Now and Jail 'Em later.
07-05-11 14:17:57
hajime2k ::: Favorites
I saw this film twice and I was shocked, angry, sad, furious, and pissed! Great film. Exposes the dark side of this war. No wonder we aren't achieving anything there. The Republicans don't want to achieve squat. Except make this war last as long as possible, ripping off taxpayers, making the contractors more money, and guaranteeing we have an unlimited supply of enemies.
07-05-11 19:57:08
hajime2k ::: Favorites
My heart goes out to our troops who have to deal with the corrupt, incompetent contractors that are HARMING them (contaminated bathing and drinking water, feeding them at set times so that insurgents can snipe at them, poorly laundered clothing, etc.). I don't want to spoil it for everyone. I recommend watching this film so you can get a better idea of WTF Bush and his cronies are doing. Even a right-wing hugger would puke in shock.
07-05-11 19:58:26
tizzy741 ::: Favorites
vote ron paul 08 !!!!!!!
07-05-26 19:52:51

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